[07] Scented Sheets

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Seven: Scented Sheets

"I don't hate you, by the way."

"Yes the fuck you do."

"Nuh uh."

"You're crazy."

"You're telling me how I feel now?"

The sound of bickering could be heard from the living room as Lucas and his friends entered the house with Nate's mom at their heels.

"Your brother is probably here," Nate told Lucas who nodded upon hearing his brother's voice. Nate blinked. "I think he's talking to mine."

Natalia abandoned the group with her half eaten ice cream cone in her hand, heading upstairs to her room. Nate and Lucas entered the living room, where they found their brothers in a rather affectionate position.

"Ew, get a room," Lucas laughed, earning a grunt in annoyance from his brother. After Lucas sobered up, he glanced at Nate, who was staring at Leon's face intently.

"Hey... What happened to your face?" Nate questioned, and Leon sighed, sitting up from Jayce's lap, and Jayce mentally cursed at the lack of contact.

Lucas scrunched his face up in confusion 'till he saw Leon's face. The swelling had gone down a bit, but the bruising and cuts were still visible. Lucas' eyes widened.

"Did...did dad do that? I swear... I knew he was going to, that's why I asked if you and Eli would be okay! Wait, is Eli okay? He didn't get hurt did he? Dammit, Leo, say something!" Lucas rambled desperately, starting to pace in frustration; a habit he'd picked up from his mother.

Leon blinked at his brother's ramble. Lucas was throwing words quicker than Leon could catch them, and that left him confused.

"Yes, Eli is fine. I told you I wouldn't let him get hurt, didn't I? That's why I look ten times worse than I would've," Leon answered in another ramble. He frowned upon remembering his youngest brother's state when he'd woken up. "At least, he's fine physically. Can't say the same about his mental wellbeing."

"How old is Eli?" Jayce and Nate asked in unison, quickly glancing at each other.

"He's six."

"Can we stay here 'till lunch? I don't wanna go home yet." Lucas insisted, although it was a question.

Leon and Lucas turned to look at Jayce, who nodded in agreement. Lucas jumped up in excitement and rushed up the stairs to Nate's room, Nate following behind.

"Oh! You must be Lucas' brother," A voice chirped from behind Leon, who turned to see a woman look at him with a grin.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for having him, Mrs. Khan." Leon answered with a smile. Jayce's mother reminded him very much of his own.

"He can come over whenever he wants, it's no issue. Are you two leaving?" Jeanette asked, tilting her head to the side in question.

Leon shook his head. "Lucas wanted to stay a little bit longer, if that's okay with you."

Jeanette smiled. "Of course," She nodded, and the doorbell rang right after. As she walked towards the door, she turned back to the boys. "My wife is home, she'll have visitors from work so please go upstairs until they're gone."

Jayce nodded and grabbed Leon's wrist, dragging him up the stairs as Leon yelped in protest. Jeanette watched them with a shake of her head before she opened the door.

Jayce led Leon to the door of his room, where Leon finally ripped his arm out of Jayce's grip.

"Jeez, you might've broken my bone," Leon complained as he rubbed his wrist. Jayce shrugged and typed in the pin to open his door and pushed the door open. Leon raised his eyebrows. "What the fuck? A pin? What are you hiding in there?"

Jayce ignored his comment with a roll of his eyes and opened the door to reveal a spacey room that had its own walk in closet, bathroom, office and kitchen. Leon blinked at the sight, waiting out the door as Jayce walked in, flopping onto his bed, staring at Leon with a brow raised.

"You're not coming in?" He asked, getting comfortable on his bed as he stared at the boy outside his room.

"I'd feel like a tramp walking in there, bet your room is worth more than my whole existence." Leon mentioned. It wasn't like Leon was poor or anything, he was happily middle class. But looking at Jayce's living conditions, Leon might as well call himself homeless.

"And you don't feel like an idiot standing in my doorframe?"


Jayce scrunched up his face at Leon, reluctantly getting out of his comfortable position in his bed to approach him.

"Then you're a difficult weirdo." Jayce said, yanking Leon into the room.

Leon took a second to look around, his eyes finding Jayce's king sized bed before he decided to take Jayce's position on it and invade the bed.

Leon noticed Jayce's sheets smelt of him, and he shivered inwardly as he took in the scent.

"Ugh, go make me food, peasant." Leon groaned, rolling around and tangling himself in Jayce's sheets. Jayce stared at Leon in disbelief.

"You're gonna steal my bed and order me around?" He rolled his eyes, yet Leon's expression never changed.

"If you don't make me food, I'm kicking you out."

"This is my room." Jayce narrowed his eyes, and Leon nodded in agreement.

"Right, so you'll know how to use your kitchen to make me food." Leon sighed contently as he laid back with his hands behind his head.

Jayce stared at the boy in his bed and sighed. "You can't be serious." He groaned to himself, getting up to look at what he had in his fridge.

Jayce came back with a bowl of chips and handed it to Leon, who looked satisfied with the food.

"Let's watch a movie." Jayce suggested, and Leon nodded, shifting on Jayce's bed to make space for him.

"Do you have Netflix?" Leon asked, looking up at Jayce who shook his head. "How do you not have— never mind, I'll log into my account."

Jayce handed Leon the remote, watching as he scrolled through movies and shows. Although, Jayce's eyes never left Leon's face.

"See anything you like?" Leon questioned, eyes still focused on the screen. Leon seemed to be oblivious to Jayce's staring.

"Yeah," Jayce whispered to himself as his eyes lingered on the boy's face for a moment before he turned to the screen and chose a random show.

Jayce wasn't a fan of what was playing, but Leon seemed to like it, so Jayce watched it anyway.

A while later, Jayce couldn't take it anymore. He took the remote and clicked off the show that was currently on episode three.

"Hey!" Leon protested as Jayce searched through other shows. Leon attempted to grab the remote from Jayce's hand but Jayce quickly dodged. "I was watching that!"

"Well, I was halfway asleep then whole time, it was boring!" Jayce responded and Leon narrowed his eyes, jumping onto Jayce to reach the remote. Jayce flipped them over, the two wrestling for the one remote.

When Leon finally snatched it out of  Jayce's hand, he laughed in triumph. Leon breathed heavily as he stared down at Jayce, both hands on either side of his head. The two froze as they realised the compromising position they were in.

Yet none of them moved or said anything. They stared at each other with intensity, and Leon didn't know what was possessing him as he leaned in.


first kiss?????
i felt like the only person who doesn't have netflix, i needed someone to relate to me :p

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