[13] Slump

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Thirteen: Slump

"I'm not playing."

"What? Why not?" Cole asked, scrunching up his face. The whole point of this little get together was to hang out and play basketball.

"Don't wanna." Jayce responded emotionlessly, leaning forward on the bench he was sitting on, his elbow on his thigh and his head in his hand.

It wasn't like Jayce hadn't played basketball at all the whole time. There were a few times he'd actually gotten up to either shoot some hoops or one on one Cole, still, very lazily.

Cole noticed his best friend's moves were a little sloppy, not so much that Jayce couldn't keep his title as 'ace of the KnightsBridge basketball team', but enough so that it was noticeable it was not his day.

Jayce's leg bounced nervously, scanning the teenage bodies trying to find the one person he'd come to interact with in the first place. Once his eyes had found Leon, it was like there was no off switch.

His eyes noticed and followed every move Leon made, and even though Cole was flapping his hands in Jayce's face, it was as if Cole was invisible.

Cole sighed in disbelief and decided to take a seat next to Jayce, glancing at his friend, who was practically stalking Leon from afar and shaking his head in disbelief. When Jayce finally blinked and broke out of his trance, he looked at Cole.

"Huh?" He blurted. Cole kissed his teeth, not bothering to hold Jayce's gaze.

"I waved my hand in your face like, a good minute ago. You're responding now?"

"Oh..." Jayce trailed, not really knowing what to say to him. A part of him felt bad for Cole. Cole had begged him to come, only for Jayce to sit and give solely one person his undivided attention.

"You seem... out of it. I know it has something to do with Leon; you've dated many people but none of them has had you lovesick like this." Cole pointed out, and Jayce's face flushed.

"I don't want to talk about it." Jayce grumbled, having a sudden interest in the rocks he started kicking around on the ground.

Cole didn't question him any further, although he was dying to know what was getting his best friend so worked up to the point where he wasn't even using basketball as an escape, as he usually did.

"Hey, you guys joining?" A girl from the girl's basketball team, who Jayce had identified as Alan's friend—Dana, asked as she set her water bottle and bag down on the bench.

"Joining what?" Cole responded, and Jayce tuned out of the conversation.

"Alan says he's about to pick the teams to start the main game," Dana expanded, and Cole hummed in agreement. She leaned forward and turned her head to face Jayce, who's mind wasn't even down to earth. She tilted her head. "What about you, Mr. Ace?"

Jayce narrowed his eyes, looking at Dana from the side of his eyes. He hadn't heard what she had said, and wasn't going to pretend he did.


Cole squeezed his hands into a tight fist and punched Jayce's arm, said boy letting a small whine escape his lips.

"Jayce, I swear to fuck, if you zone out one more time..." Cole threatened, and Dana chuckled as Jayce caressed his throbbing arm with a groan. Cole grunted. "I've had enough of your 'huh?'s. Get it together!"

Jayce rolled his eyes. "I can't help it... Why are you calling me again?"

"I asked if you were going to join the main game." Dana answered and Jayce shook his head.

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