Chapter 24

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Nathan was perturbed that his morning with Bridget was cut short thanks to the relentless wave of vibrating phone calls and messages he received throughout the night. When it became clear that Dr. Spencer Lewis's urgent attention was required at the facility, he jumped in the shower and got moving. His girlfriend was quite understanding yet inquisitive as he drove her back to her apartment. He zipped his Audi through the city and cursed any time a red light delayed his travel. He would not have cared so much if the matter concerned any other patient, but the messages all involved the one particular resident who always seemed to be on his mind. He considered the possibility that she had "hung up" in her cell. He was unsure how she managed to accomplish this task, but in reality, he was not surprised. Bridget Dunn always struck him as a bit unstable; she probably thought about or tried to kill herself at least once in her life.

Nathan whipped his Audi Sportback into its designated parking space at the psychological research facility. He grabbed his white lab coat as he climbed out of the car and raced toward the front doors. Typically, he took a moment to admire the steel and glass superstructure that held his obsession and its necessities, but he could not gawk today. Bridget was again causing trouble of some sort, and he needed to assess and handle the situation. He secretly hoped she would try to escape again, so he could put some guard in that stupid striped sweater to chase her through the building again. That particular afternoon was a great deal of hassle, but he had video footage of the spree and could relish the images as he pleased.

He galloped down the stark corridors while employees nodded and smiled as he passed. Spencer Lewis made his way toward the IT department, or the "Tower," as his staff called it. This particular wing of the building acted as the eyes and ears of the facility—all camera and sound feeds in the facility were televised and monitored by the institution's overweight and less empathetic employees. The Tower staff also had access to the video from every patient's cell as well as the treatment rooms. The footage was intended for observing both the patients and staff's safety. If management (Spencer Lewis) felt that any employee's activity was "unprofessional" or "inappropriate," the video could be used as grounds to release the staff member. In some cases, the guards who worked in this department used the feeds as leverage to blackmail their co-workers. What those idiots did not realize is that they were also being watched, but the surveillance footage from their department was monitored by another agency in the main Algern Pharmaceuticals building.

Spencer Lewis swiped his right thumb across the entry pad, waited for verification, and then opened the door. As he moved to pick up the coffee pot to pour himself a cup, he realized it was empty. He muttered an explicative and jammed the pot back in place before continuing his journey. The main corridor was completely lit with artificial light; there were no windows in this part of the building, and the doctor always hated this side of the facility. It made him feel confined; the lack of windows was something he would most definitely fix when he renovated the place. If anything, he would install the same kind of tinted glass used on the skyscrapers in the center of the city. Then he could see out, but no one could see in, and when night came, blinds could be drawn to keep prying eyes from stealing a glimpse of his life's work. Doctor Spencer recognized the paranoia creeping into his thoughts. He needed to concentrate on work.

"Whatever it is you have to show me," he bellowed, "better be important. I had plans for today."

"I'm sorry sir," the stout guard said as he stood. "I'm Truitt." He extended his hand.

Spencer Lewis ignored the request, knowing full well that this particular employee was not one to wash his hands—especially after creating a seminal mess while watching treatment session footage. "What have you got for me?"

The officer sat again and said, "Well, sir, I've been monitoring activity in the East Wing, and it seems Officer Matthews is getting a little cozy with the redhead."

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