~Met You~

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Hi! My name is Arshanie and I collabed with my bestfriend sSu1UT3r4_3iTcH to make this story :) This is my first time writing so I hope you guys like this story and do comment your opinions,luv ya💋.

It was the night before my flight back to Germany,As I was packing my suitcase for my flight tomorrow,I came across an old diary from years ago,After I blew the dust off of the diary,I was welcomed by scribbles and drawings,From then on my eyes began to focus on the writing and I started to read...


"Dear Diary,Today was my first day of elementary school.Noone talked to me because they thought I was weird,When it was recess time I was swinging on a swing when this boy approached me.He asked if I wanted to be his friend and I said yes because he was nice to me.His name was Bill Kaulitz.He had a twin brother Tom,but we really never used to talk because he would make fun of me so I was more closer with Bill."

I closed my diary and tried to remember someone named Bill but I just couldn't put my memories together to remember so I just shrugged it off and went to take a shower because it was late at night (11:35pm) and I had just finished packing so I put a song on and went to shower.I finished showering and put my pajamas on and went to sleep.

A/N: Ahhh!!!🤭🤭🤭 Do you guys like it? I tried to make it not too long and too short😗

~ Forgotten Youth ~ {Tom Kaulitz}Where stories live. Discover now