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That's all Kibum felt as he plastered a smile on his face, clapping for the happy couple in front of him. His friend was getting married, and yet he couldn't find it in his heart to be happy for him. He knew it was because he wanted what he had: love.

It's not like he was short of people who loved him: after all, he had legions of adoring fans and close friends and family, but it wasn't the same as having that special someone.

"Congratulations." He smiled as his friend passed by with his blushing bride, heading for the car they'd be heading to the reception with. A reception that Kibum would pretend to have fun at before excusing himself, pretexting a work engagement the next day.

He swirled his drink as he looked at the people dancing, wondering when it would be his turn. He'd dated here and there but nothing had ever come of it. The life of an idol was lonely, he supposed.

Several drinks later, he was on his way home in a taxi, focusing his thoughts on his upcoming album to distract himself. Music was his life, even more so that there was nothing else in it.

Streetlights passed by as he gave up thinking, staring aimlessly at the sights outside. Seoul was always so pretty at night, he often felt lucky to live here. In fact, he thought, he definitely was a lucky man. His dream of becoming an idol had come true thanks to hard work, and he was surrounded by great people. Love would come in time.

Kibum's phone buzzed with a text from Joon, a member of his management, asking about something again. He sighed and rubbed his head.

"Let me out here," he spoke up, grabbing his bag. He was running out of food at home so a trip to the convenience store was in order.

It was quiet inside, presumably because it was dark. Kibum grabbed the items he needed to make himself a good meal to cure his hangover tomorrow. Approaching the counter, he stood behind a woman, who by the looks of things, was a foreigner.

"That'll be 400 won," said the lady at the counter. The woman in front of him counted up her change and handed it to the woman, mumbling to herself as she checked her purse.

"Oh I don't have enough," he heard her say under her breath in English.

Before she could do anything else, Kibum stepped in. "It's okay, here's the extra."

The lady at the checkout took the change and the woman turned to him, bowing.

"Thank you."

"It's okay."

She straightened up and Kibum's eyes met hers, mysterious but alluring pools of darkness.

She bowed again and hurried out of the store before he could say anything.

Would you look at that, he thought. He didn't really get to meet foreigners that often outside of the entertainment world. Oh well, at least something had broken up the monotony of the evening.

The fresh air caressed his skin as he made the short walk home, feeling himself begin to sober up. He'd definitely feel this in the morning, but then again he was prepared.

Very soon he would begin working on his next album, and that was always an exciting prospect. Seeing everyone's reactions to it always gave him such joy.

As he closed his front door, his thoughts went back to the wedding. He'd felt so lonely a couple of hours ago, but now with his two dogs Comme Des and Garçons greeting him like he'd been gone a week, he didn't feel quite so bad. Maybe he could find it in him to be happy for his friend after all.

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