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Months went by as the two busied themselves with work. Kathryn was working hard at SM, but was feeling unhappy due to feeling shunned by her colleagues. Kibum was also working hard, juggling a new solo album with group work and creative decisions.

The ongoing stress led to tension between the two, but it never really escalated into anything. Until one evening when Kibum came home late and found Kate watching TV on the sofa. As soon as she saw him, she muted it.

"Where have you been?"

"Out with friends."

"Yeah I guessed as much."

Kibum went to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water.

"Listen, I don't want to interfere with your friendships, but can we talk about Lisa?"

Kibum felt himself become irritable. "What about her?"

"It's just that... Well she's always flirting with you, even when I'm there."

"Are you saying I can't have any female friends?"

"Of course not!"

They both sighed. Kibum finished his water.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know. Maybe don't hang out with her? Or tell her to stop?"

He drummed his fingers on the counter top. "I'm not in the mood to talk about this."

"When will we then? You're always busy!"

"It's not my fault!"

"I didn't say it was!" Kate stood up. "Stop shouting at me, I didn't do anything to you."

"Anything? You acost me as soon as I get in and ask me to stop being friends with someone I've known a long time."

"Fine then, why don't you marry her since I'm so unreasonable."

She walked off and he followed her, continuing to shout. Soon the two were hurling things at each other, hurtful things, and Kate was on the verge of tears. She mentioned her unhappiness at work and Kibum lost it, shouting, "maybe I shouldn't have brought you back over then!"

He regretted it as soon as he said it.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come indeed," Kate answered quietly, tears spilling down her face. Grabbing her coat and shoes, she walked out and slammed the door before Kibum could say anything.

Outside it was dark, and cold. Kathryn pulled her coat closer around her as she walked quickly, not caring who saw her cry. She just wanted to be far away from it all, away from Kibum. Seemingly he didn't want her around either.


It had been hours and Kathryn still hadn't come back. Kibum, who had now calmed down, was full of regret. He never should have said what he said. He didn't mean it, but did she know that?

He'd left her alone initially as she probably wanted some space, but now he was worried. He'd tried calling her several times and he wasn't getting through. It was getting later and later and he was beginning to wonder if she was coming back. What if she left him just like that?

"Minho, is Kathryn with you?"

Kibum sounded frantic on the phone. Kate was closest to Minho out of his hyungs so there was a chance that maybe he knew where she was.

"No, are you okay hyung? You sound panicked."

"We argued and she walked out and its been hours and-"

"Okay, okay, I'll help you find her."

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