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you weren't in shibuya, you weren't on the verge of death either. you were on gojo's shoulders as he made airplane noises, you were 12 again. "sato...ru?" you managed to push out "yeah sis!" he cheerfully said, you hugged his head tightly and your legs wrapped around his neck "(y/n)! what the hell!" he used his hands to pick you up off his shoulder and holding you up directly infront of him. as your eyes came into view of his he saw that you were crying "(y/n)...what's wrong" he said confused at how fast you went from cheerful to crying, you used your hands to wipe your tears "nothing! i just thought of something..." you looked into your palms "of what?" he tilted his head to the side "oh! um...just a nightmare i had!" you felt sweat run down your face and he placed you down "okay you weirdo" he shook his head with amusement.

as you walked you wondered what this is, am i dead? was the question you kept repeating to your self you didn't know, maybe that's why you were crying. "you totally destroyed that curse" gojo's voice cut through your thoughts, he was trying to make me feel better. "ha! yeah..." you had no idea what he was talking about, from the setting you were in you assumed that you helped him on a mission "yknow...sato" your mind wondered off the image of him getting sealed was becoming faint as if you were forgetting it "yeah sugar!" he looked back still walking forward, you blushed heavily that embarrassing nickname but at the same time you smiled, it reminded of you the times were things were more simple.

"sugar?! what the hell is that!" you squealed, "cuz sato means sugar and we complete each other! so! you call me sato and i call you sugar" he smiled looked back at my expression filled with disapproval "you don't like it?" he looked sad and you're heart skipped a beat "saaatoo!!" you ran to him and he immediately crouched down to meet your level and embrace you in his arms "hey hey hey what's wrong? is it that nightmare?" he moved his arms in a circular motion on the small of your back, he pulled back to looks t your glossed over eyes "mhm" you nodded. "hey it's okay, you're big brother isn't gonna go anywhere" he hugged you tighter.

"it was horrible, you were sealed and megumi was dying and there were all these people who we were friends with that were fighting with us! and they also were injured and dying...it was really scary" you gripped his uniform, your knuckles turning white. he sighed and pulled away, holding your hand in his. this made you grateful for all the small moments that you took for granted earlier, that at any moment it can be all taken away from you.

shibuya felt like a nightmare that you were starting to forget.

"im sorry" you watched your feet as you were dragged behind your big brother, he hummed in return "im sorry i cry so easily" "(y/n) i might not always be there with you, but i'll always be there for you" he said calmly, you paused for a moment and felt tears rise again but you quickly sucked them in "damn it stop making me cry!" he laughed in return "what's with you today...did you hit that age" he held a hand over his mouth for dramatic effects. instead of yelling at him you laughed and smiled "satoru you really are the nicest person ever" you smiled at the sky, not noticing his face he was taken aback he expected a slap not a remark from his sensitive little sister that made him feel sensitive. he cursed him self for having glassy eyes and kicked you away.

"hey!" you looked back in shock "now i'm the sensitive one! your so annoying!" he huffed crossing his arms, you sighed and followed along until you recognized the road you were walking down, megumi and tsumiki's house! you looked around your heart filled with the nostalgia, you could see your self playing in the streets with megumi as a kid. you arrived at the door and gojo opened it "surprise!!!" tsumiki and megumi said in unison, they were wearing cute birthday hats and tsumiki was holding a cake with candles on it "surprise sugar!" gojo blew a little horn and then placed a party hat on your head and then this.

you looked between the people you called family and took in the situation, they all planned this just for you. you sucked on your lips looking at the cake, your eyebrows furrowed and then you looked at megumi. you glance off in another direction, But you always glance back at him. "don't cry" he said with a sympathetic smile, " you guuuysss" you said as the water works started again and you ran to hug megumi as tsumiki was holding the cake beside you, she shifted the cake to on hand and gave you a half hug as not to ruin the cake. "c'mon let's sing!" satoru cheered.

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