Chapter 26- Juicy Details

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"I missed you", I whispered to Blake as I lean on his arm and he ruffled my hair and smiles at me. "I missed you more Cass", he whispers back.

I see Jason look at us through the mirror and smile from his place in the drivers seat. Zane and Blake watched us with soft looks on their faces. Zane's eyes fluttered to the passenger seat where Natalie sat. He looked at her with so much sadness, I felt so bad for him. Natalie hadn't said a word to any of us this entire time.

It was midnight when we started heading back to the pack house. Preston and Caroline left earlier because Caroline complained about not wanting to stay in the agency if there was no pizza so Preston had Alfred take them back. I managed to get through the day without getting killed by the wolves who had seen me and also know what I am. They can feel it.

Jason had locked me and the boys in his office when him, Natalie and Preston went to track down Anna's location. He didn't want to risk anyone seeing me and he wanted to make sure the boys don't attempt to escape.

I'm still pretty worried about Anna but I hope with everything in me that she's alright. She's my friend after all and I can't even imagine what Drake must be going through right now. I know more than anyone what it's like to be separated from a sibling and not have any idea how they are doing. Whether they are safe or not.

The boys and I had a nice reunion and Blake and I cried a lot. Donald cried as well but just passed it off as dirt in his eyes which was a pretty typical excuse. I mean, couldn't he be more creative? Zane just had a small smile while watching our interaction but I could tell he was just as happy as us. He just has never been good with emotions.

I side glance at the passenger seat as well to where Natalie was sitting completely quiet. Jason kept sending her concerned glances but didn't say anything. I felt so guilty. We were just scared of what she would think about us so we never told her anything.

Jason pulled into the garage and Natalie immediately got out, slammed the door shut and started to walk away. "Natalie!" Zane called out as he jumped out of the car and started to chase after her. We were about to chase after her as well but Jason spoke up.

"Maybe just give her sometime. She'll come around", Jason smiled at us and that seemed to freak out Blake and Donald.

"Why do you even care?" Donald asked skeptically. "Natalie and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. I know how she feels and what she wants. Just give her sometime", Jason replies in a friendly tone which surprised me. I didn't miss the fact that he had deflected Donald's question.

Blake sighs, "I just hope she forgives us". "She will" Jason assured as he gets out of the driver's seat. "Let's go inside".

The moment we got into the living room we notice Drake sitting on the couch with a glass of what I assume was whiskey in his hand. He looked extremely tired with his hair a total mess.

"Did you find her?" Drake rushed out as he placed his drink on the table and walked towards Jason. I was planning on asking him the same question when we are alone. "Yeah we did actually", Jason said and walked past Drake to the bottle of whiskey on the table before picking it up and taking a sip of its content.

"She's in the witch territory", Jason says while looking over at Drake seriously. Drake's eye brows furrowed in confusion, "why would she go there? She said she was going to Dracula's castle".

The two seemed to have forgotten about the rest of us. Donald looks in between the two of them and then gives me a look of confusion. "What's all the crap about witches and Dracula?" He asked with a raised brow but I just grab him and pull him to sit on one of the couches.

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