Chapter 55- Black Tears

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Third Person POV
Witches of all kinds arrived. Witches of wind, vegetation, lightning, flames and earth, and they were all ready to defend their true heir. They had no idea what they were doing, being weighed down by the sheer power of Royal magic.

Alexander laughed humorlessly as his eyes drifted to his niece. "Do you really think they can win against us?"

Cassandra scowled at him, her eyes boring holes into the monster that stood before her. "Do you really think that a bunch of ordinary witches would be a match for the most powerful magic known to supernatural kind?"

Alexander took a step in her direction and about ten witches lunged at him.

They dropped unconscious before they could even make contact.

Cassandra took a frightened step back. "So you won't hesitate to hurt your subjects?"

"Oh Cassandra, you sound just like your mother" Alexander took another threatening step towards her urging her to move back. "My sister was always trying to protect the people. She didn't seem to realize that you have to make them fear you. You can't afford to be a weak leader. The greatest leaders are not afraid to do some harm... for the greater good".

"What good would you get out of this?" Cassandra questioned. What good could one possibly get out of killing the innocent and stealing magic?

"The kingdom would be much better if Lucinda and I had more power. You are too young... too inexperienced to rule. We're only doing you a favor. A few die for the greater good... a better kingdom".

His hands rose quickly as he sent shadows her way. Cassandra was fast, quickly lifting her hands and letting a shield form to protect her.

Royal magic protects its wielder.

Alexander sent constant attacks which Cassandra quickly dodged. She fought him as her eyes searched the snow covered field looking for her mate. Jason was currently in a battle with Lucinda and he seemed to be at a disadvantage. Jared, Glendon and Diana rushed in to render assistance.

More witches charged at Alexander and he did not hesitate to kill them. Cassandra felt a tinge on her chest, she was leading these people unwillingly into their deaths.

Her breathing became heavy as she felt her strength start to drain, her movements becoming much slower.

"The magic can drain your strength immensely if you don't know how to utilize it" Alexander spoke as Cassandra's panting became heavier. She started to stagger as her head spun.

"I still want that magic though" Alexander continued as Cassandra's eyes began to flicker from a golden glow to their regular silver shade. "With Royal magic and Black magic, Lucinda and I would have complete control over every supernatural territory. Witches, werewolves and vampires".

Cassandra shook her head in denial but couldn't form words as she continued to stagger backwards.

"I could easily extract the magic and then kill you myself". Cassandra's strength faded and she dropped to the ground, her hold on her magic loosening as she fell to the snow, goosebumps traveling all over her body.

Her vision was hazy but she watched as Alexander lifted his hand aiming at her. She closed her eyes as she breathed, her heavy breaths forming mists in the air. She wondered what this death would feel like maybe as cold as the snow beneath her or maybe as hot and painful as the fire that burned within her.

She was ready to give up. Maybe her life was destined to be short and she was supposed to die so painfully.

She heard the blast but she didn't feel the pain, she didn't feel dead. She heard a howl of pain and let her eyes crack open. A brown wolf stood over her, panting heavily. It's fur soaked with thick blood, it's eyes hooded like it was about to loose consciousness.

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