Chapter 34- The Blood Moon II

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Third Person POV

"This is bad", Drake mumbled as he watched the mates give each other death glares. How Cassandra had gotten out of her locked room was beyond him. Then he saw it, the broken- or rather- melted doorknob. She had burned it.

"Get everyone out of here", Drake whispered to the blond he had attempted to murder only a few moments ago. Zane's head snapped to the vampire, glaring at him like he wanted nothing more than to slam him in the face with a shovel and then use that shovel to dig his grave.

Despite this, Zane's face didn't hold any emotions but his eyes were swirling with rage, shock and confusion. Emotions that Drake could see as clear as day. "Please", Drake begged. The human gave him a single blank look before turning away and going to pick up the black wolf which had lost so much blood. He motioned to Donald to get Preston but as to be expected Donald couldn't lift the beta on his own so his younger brother was quick to help.

As they left, Drake's gaze lingered on their retreating backs . More particularly, the youngest brother who was comically struggling to balance the weight of the werewolf he was carrying.

"I can't wait to tear you vampires apart limp by limp", Drake gasped in shock as his eyes flickered to the dark brown wolf. Did Jason just talk in his wolf form? Was that even possible?

"Then I could use the humans as desert", the wolf used his tongue to lick his muzzle. "Mmm, just the thought makes me salivate".

Drake snarled at the thought of the humans getting hurt. He wasn't letting that happen, no way in hell. "You'll have to go through me first, you damn dog". Cassandra's voice sounded different, as did Jason's. They were the ones speaking but they also weren't. The monstrous, sadistic sounding voices that Drake was now hearing were their beast sides. Parts of them buried deep within them that only resurfaced on a night such as this.

"Vampires being protective of humans? Hilarious indeed" Jason took steps towards the two vampires. Drake put himself in the way of the humongous wolf. "Snap out of this, Jackson" Drake spoke directly to Jason's wolf.

"Fuck no. I haven't felt this alive in a long time vampire and I intend to make the best out of it" . Jason growled before pouncing on the vampire. Drake snarled before throwing the mutated creature of him.

The two circled each other cautiously, awaiting the other to make the first move. "How about this, you vampires suck the humans dry and I feed on their flesh?".

Cassandra's eyes flickered from silver to gold and back. Her two sub-conscience fought for dominance. One fighting to obtain blood and the other fighting against that instinct. The vampire side won, the blood thirst taking over.

"I don't share my meals mutt", Cassandra glared at the creature that was her mate. "Tsk, how selfish. Well then, I'll just get it for myself".

Jason took a whiff of the air, growled and darted down the stairs. "Fuck", Drake cursed as he chased after the wolf, Cassandra not far behind them.

"Stop!" Drake yelled to the alpha who just barked out a laugh and picked up speed as if to mock him. "Out of my way wolf, the humans of this building belong to me", Cassandra sunk her claws into the wolf's back making it howl in pain.

Jason threw her off, pouncing on her and pulling a large pound of her flesh between his teeth. He threw the flesh to the ground with a growl. "Your taste is revolting".

Cassandra let out a dark laugh as a new skin began to form in place of the one Jason had ripped apart. It was healing a lot faster than Cassandra normally healed. "Let's have some fun wolf". Drake held Cassandra back before she could leap at the alpha. She snarled struggling against his hold.

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