Chapter 7 - Guilt

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Mikes POV

(The next day)

I wake up and I feel like something is wrong. It feels like there is a weight on my shoulders that I can't seem to get rid of.

I shrug it off and get out of bed and I go down stairs. I sit down at the dining table as my mum brings out pancakes.

"Breakfast!" She smiles, giving me, Nancy, Holly, My dad and herself a plate.

There was a mix of 'thanks' and 'thank you' before we all startes to eat.

My dad crumples his newspaper up and started speaking, "You know a couple of queers moved in down the street."

"We shouls give them a welcome gift, maybe some muffins or-" Karen started

"Dont give those faggots anything. They should rot. Talking about queers, I think you should stay away from that byers kid. He looks like one of those." Ted cuts her off.

"Ted! Do not say that about him. Even if he was queer, so what? It isn't affecting you is it." Karen scolded him, and he just rolled his eyes and carried on eating his pancakes.

I stay silent and start to worry about my plan.

What if he thinks the affection I give him is boyfriend affection and not best friend affection. Shit he might wanna make out? Oh my god I'm not making out with Will!

"Mike! Get up we are going to be late if you don't get dressed!" Nancy flicked the side of my head.

"Shit shit!! Give me like 15 minutes." I yell, getting up.

"Language." Ted mumbles.

I run upstairs and pick out a quick outfit, and I brush my teeth and brush my curls.

I grab my bag from out of my room and run down stairs, into Nancy's car.

"Finally! Jesus we are gonna be late."

"Yeah we will be if you keep whining about it, let's go!" I scoff, buckling my seatbelt.

She rolls her eyes and starts driving to school. We get there within 5 minutes of driving and I hop out and see all of the party waiting for me.

"Hey Wheeler! Thought you weren't going to show up." Lucas smiles at me and I smile back.

"Sorry, woke up late. Anyway let's go!" I announce and we all go inside and head to our lockers.

I was putting some books into my locker when I heard a slam.

I turn my head and see Troy holding Will by his collar. I could hear Troy shouting some slur at him and I could hear faint sniffles.

"Oh, you gonna cry now faggot? Your just like all other queers, femine weak freaks." He spat, slamming Will's head against his locker one more time before letting go of him and walking off with James.

I see Max and Lucas rushing over to him but I can't bring myself to do it.

What if he thinks I'm being nice because we are boyfriends now.. Shit I need to ignore him. He will break up with me because I'm being distant and then everything will be normal again.

I grin to myself at how good my plan is and head off to my next lesson.

(Time skip to lunch)

I walk into the cafeteria and see the party sat down at our regular table so I walk over to them.

"Hey guys!" I smile, sitting down next to Dustin, trying to avoid Will's eye.

I can see him staring at me so I look in the opposite direction which is relatively easy since he is say directly infront of me.

I feel someone tap my arm and I know its Will so I don't turn around. I feel a few more gentle taps before I hear a sigh and I see him slump back into his chair.

I feel kind of bad but I need to do this otherwise things Will end badly.

I see Max look at me and then at Will and I see her thinking. Her face changes to an angry expression and she stands up.

"Mike. I need to have a word with you." She looks down at me.

"Uh.. why?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I think you know why. Come on." She pulls me up and drags me into the bathroom.

"Max we are in the girl's bathroom you absolute dumbass." I roll my eyes.

"I know what your doing, Wheeler. I saw him tap your arm and I know your ignoring him. Do not do this to him." She told me, her eyes staring right into my soul.

"I-I'm not ignoring him." I gulp.

"Mike don't try and fuck with me because I know you are. So either you tell him about the dare or I will do it myself." She threatens me.

"Fine. Just give it a few days." I tell her.

I can tell she isn't very satisfied with the answer but she nods and walks out, dragging me along with her, again.

We both go back to the table and sit down and I can feel Will's eyes burning into the side of my head.

I do not think I can tell him.

{Word Count: 864}

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