Chapter 6: The trip to Pakistan

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>>>>>>>You and the Crusaders are now on the way to Pakistan<<<<<<<<<<

  "We're about to hit the border...looks like it's time to say goodbye to India" Kakyoin said as they drove.
   "You know, I had mixed feelings about the country at first, but now I sort of miss how busy Calcutta was and the Chaos of Ganges" Mr Joestar said.
         "One day I'll be back. Avdol deserves a proper burial.." Polnareff said as he thinks of his friend.
                  "Avdol..." Kakyoin thinks of him aswell.

Just then, a car pulls up in front of yours.

   "Get out of the way! I'm gonna pass him!" Polnareff shouts as dust is caught into the car.

He passes by the car flinging rocks into it.

"Did you just fling rocks into that car?" Mr Joestar asks Polnareff.
          "Yeah? Your point?" Polnareff asks.
"The last thing we need is another problem,," Mr Joestar groans.
                 "Polnareff calm down!" Kakyoin yells.
"This four wheel drive is great! Pol exclaims.
       "I'm wanted because of what happened in Varnanasi, I'd like to cross the border in one piece" Mr Joestar said.

Polnareff sees someone on the road and stops the car.

  "I just said we can't afford another mishap!" Mr Joestar yells.
     "I know! But look who's standing there!"Polnareff points to Anne.

Anne is hitchhiking a ride and sees you and the Crusaders.

  "Good grief..." Jotaro groan.
"Hey! Long time no see! How about a ride?"

Anne pulls a hat off her head and gives a peace sign.
       You all stare at her in disbelief, but let her in, but there's another car following you all as Anne rants on and on.

  "I'm a girl, soon I'll be wearing a bra, doing my hair and nails for the boys, I'd look pathetic going around the world when I'm that age! It's now or never"
Anne rants on and on as the car once again, is near you.

Anne continues. "To see the world, to be free, don't you think? Look I feel bad about lying in Singapore, but let's forget that."

The car tails yours as you drive

"Hey it's the car from before!" Jotaro says as he turns around.
"Guess he's in a hurry, let him pass" Mr Joestar tells Polnareff

Polnareff signals the car to pass by, but it stays in front of your car tracking dust inside.

"Hey! What's he doing?! I let you pass so hurry up already!" Polnareff wonders as he coughs out dust.

Polnareff tries to drive past him but the road is rocky.

"He's probably mad because of earlier" Kakyoin suggested.
"Catch the driver's face?" You ask Polnareff from behind him.
"Nope, windows were dusty! Couldn't see a thing" Polnareff replied.
"Me neither" Jotaro pipes in.
"It couldn't careful Polnareff!" Mr Joestar warns him.

The car signals Polnareff to pass by.

"Now he wants me to pass by? Guess he realizes that cars a piece of junk!" Polnareff jokes.

Polnareff X Reader-A JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now