33 | ❝My Attention❞ - Jeonghan

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✎ xxxiii. my attention

"Love, I'm home!" Jeonghan called out, only to be met with the empty silence of the house

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"Love, I'm home!" Jeonghan called out, only to be met with the empty silence of the house. He took off his shoes and shuffled into the kitchen to set down the takeout bags that he had picked up for dinner on the kitchen counter. He called out for you again and frowned when he still didn't get a response.

He's used to you running to tackle him the second he walks through the door, or if you were busy you would shout from the other room so he knew where to find you. It was rare that he got no response. It only happened when you're upset with him or have had a bad day.

He sighed before his lips stretched into a smile and he started to check every room in the house, knocking softly on each door and calling out your name until he finally found you lying down on his side of the bed, hugging his pillow close to your chest. You must've missed him.

"Hey, baby... I'm home now." He said, sitting down on the side of the bed, brushing a piece of your hair behind your ear. His voice is soft and loving, but you only frown and furrow your eyebrows, turning away from him so your face is stuffed against his pillow.

He's all too familiar with this behaviour of yours. When you're mad at him, you'll ignore him entirely, leaving him with the task of figuring out why you're annoyed with him. He likes this task, cherishes it even. You're just so pouty and cute when you're mad at him, and maybe he shouldn't find the attitude so adorable, but he can't help it.

"Are you mad, baby?" He asked, facing the window. All he hears is a small "mmph" from you as a reply. "Aw, did I neglect my baby today?" He coaxed for a response, but you stayed silent.

"Are you upset that I couldn't give you any attention when you came by?" He guessed. You had stopped by the building at lunchtime to drop off food, but he had already eaten with the other members, and was so busy that he couldn't even give you a hug before you left. He surmised that you were probably still thinking about that even now. "You know I was busy then, but I can give you attention now, hm?"

He knew the offer would be too appealing for you to give up, and he grinned when you sat up. You still wore that absolutely adorable glare, directed at him, but as soon as he pulled you into his arms, it melted away.

"I'm still mad at you." You mumbled.

"Cute." He laughed.


"You're so cute when you try to be mad, you know that?" He cooed, cupping your face with his hands and staring at your pout, eyes sparkling with love and adoration.

"I'm not..." You muttered under your breath, blushing in embarrassment.

"Aww... I made you blush." Jeonghan whispered teasingly, igniting a new scowl from you. His lips were on yours before you could say anything, making up for his neglected attention throughout the day with kisses. It seemed to work, because when he pulled away you were smiling, cheeks still flushed.

"My attention is all yours this evening, I promise." 

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