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The time Joshua got off work was always the most anticipated time of the day, both for you and your almost two-year-old daughter, Hyeja

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The time Joshua got off work was always the most anticipated time of the day, both for you and your almost two-year-old daughter, Hyeja. She was a daddy's girl in every sense of the word. She would always choose Joshua over you which you had always found highly amusing.

Due to the uncertain hours of Joshua's job, you could never say "Dad will be back home at 5" like other mothers could, and Hyeja hated the absence of Joshua more than you did— and you always missed him like crazy when he was gone.

The whole day had been a bit rough for both of you. Your daughter had been grumpy throughout and only wanted pretzels and her father, only one of which you could provide to her.

You could barely text with Joshua either, since he was currently promoting Seventeen's new album on music shows and was probably on stage whenever you thought about texting him. You just hoped he would be able to get home before dinnertime like he had hoped, but even that was uncertain.

You finally had time to breathe after you managed to read enough stories to Hyeja to wear her out for her afternoon nap that she desperately needed. All the crying and temper-tantrums she had thrown over Joshua not being here had worn her out. She was now sleeping in her nursery, giving you a chance to think about what you should eat for dinner while you waited for Joshua.

When he walked through the door shortly after 4:30, face as radiant and gorgeous as ever, you felt relieved. He looked as tired as you, but the satisfied smile on his face didn't leave, so you could only assume that the promotions went well.

"Hey-" You shushed him quickly, eyes glancing over to the nursery door and Joshua got the picture.

"Sleeping?" He whispered, taking off his coat as quietly as he could. You nodded and patted the spot next to you on the couch which Joshua took eagerly. He placed his arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest.

"Was your day as exhausting as mine?" You asked as your hand clasped his.

He shook his head, "Probably not. Was she upset?"

You laughed softly, "Just a bit. She kept asking when you would be getting back, and of course I couldn't give her an answer. She cheered up a bit when I agreed to get ice cream, but gosh- she barely let me rest for a second."

Joshua giggled at the thought of his precious 2 year old missing him that much. "Well, I'm back now... How long has she been sleeping?"

"About half an hour, so she'll probably wake up soon."

"I'll wait for her then." Joshua mumbled, relaxing his body and pulling you closer to hug. It was rare to have a moment of silence like this with a toddler in the household, especially during daylight hours.

"Don't worry about Hyeja and I while you're out there being an idol." You murmured into Joshua's chest. Your hand travelled up to his face, brushing his hair out of his face and tracing his jawline like you liked to do occasionally. It was a sort of mindless admiration for the man who you loved, taking the time to appreciate how perfect he was.

"It's hard to not worry..." He closed his eyes, "You two are the most precious people in my life."

"Know that we'll always be okay over here, even when you're thousands of miles away touring." You kissed his cheek before continuing, "Sometimes I feel so bad because balancing being a father and your job probably adds about 3 times the amount of stress from what you had before."

"But I'm 30 times happier." Joshua's lips formed a smile and he opened his eyes. "So don't worry about me either. I'm fine." He leaned over, pressing his lips to yours and kissing you for a long time to try to make up for the hours he had been away from you.

Soon the creek of the door interrupted your cuddling, and an adorable 2 year old emerged from behind the door soon after. She looked groggy, rubbing her eyes with her small fists before looking up to you. You saw in real time how her eyes widened with excitement upon seeing Joshua sitting on the couch with you.

"Daddy!!" She shouted, running up to the couch and Joshua picked her up quickly, laughing and pressing kisses to her cheek.

"Did you miss me, baby?" She nodded fervently in response, throwing her arms around Joshua and hugging herself to him as tight as she could. "Aww..." Joshua closed his eyes, hugging her closely and stroking her hair, "I missed you so much, princess."

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