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(its been two weeks, bella is at lunch sitting with her friends and Edward)

"has anyone seen Jacob in the last few weeks," said Bella. "oh he's been at home his dad has been sick so he's been staying home taking care of him," said one of the friends. " I wonder why he didn't tell you bella you two are close," said the friend.

" I don't know either I guess I will go see him later". said, Bella. "Edward can you take me over there after class". asked Bella. "yeah sure ill take you" he replied.

(after the final class was over Edward and Bella made their way over to Jacob's house. once they make their way there. they get there only to see Jacob, Paul, Sam, and the others just chilling on his lawn)

"what the fuck Jacob", said Bella. "what are you doing here and why did you bring him," said Jacob. "she was worried about you dumbass" he replied. "so your dad is not sick, you just what decided not to come to school". said Bella. "no he's fine, look I've been doing my classwork from home it's better on the days I don't come to school," he said.

(as Jacob and Bella continue their conversation, Paul walks over to butt in)

"Jake what going on here, we are about to go hang out at Sam you coming with," said Paul. "hey can't you see they are having a conversation with each other why are you being so rude," said Edward. "I'm sorry nobody was talking to you, Leech," said Paul.

(Edward was about to punch him and Paul was ready to attack but Jacob stopped Paul)

"hey, hey it's okay baby, ill meet you guys there okay let me just finish talking to Bella," Jacob said. "Sure puppy," said Paul as he grabs jacobs's face and kisses him.

(as the two shared a long kiss Edward couldn't help but feel a little upset. he eventually had enough and pushed Paul off. making him angry. jacob tried to calm Paul down but it wasn't working and through the fire, he got pushed down to the ground causing Sam to come and drag Paul away. edward then goes over to help Jacob but Jacob pushes him away)

"why did you do that," said Jacob. "hello you and your jerk of a whatever he is to you can suck face later Bella was talking to you" Edward yelled.

(his yelling made Jacob start to cry which made the two of them feel bad)

"Jacob I'm sorry for the yelling," said Edward with a hard sigh. "will you two just leave and stop checking up on me, n fact Bella we are not friends anymore there, you wanted me and Edward to get along some much now we can because we have no type of relationship. "no please just go and leave me alone". said Jacob as he walks away.

(with that Bella and Edward go back into the car, once Edward dropped Bella off he made his way home, he then ran straight to his room and lay on his bed. confused to the max)

"why, why did I care so much about the kiss". he said to himself. "what's going on with me". edward said.

(after talking to himself in the opening he closed his eyes, only two see something very weird. he then shot up and said)



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