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(After the whole indent with Jacob. things got worse for the three. three weeks later Bella was now in danger from certain vampires and now Edward and Jacob had to help keep her safe)

" I still don't understand why we have to help them sam, bella and I arent friends anymore" said jacob. "cut the bullshit jacob, we know that you will do anything to keep bella safe" sam replied. "but I cant stand being around that leech, plus I don't need another fight" said jacob.

(sam walks up to jaccob and slaps his head softly)

"I don't care what you two have got a problem with, we are doing this two save bella and that all, so when we go to the vampires don't be a dick, that goes for paul too" said Sam. 

(jacob nodded in demand as well as paul, both boys then walked away from the wolf and packed what was needed. once the wolf pack arrived at the cullens house all of them stood outside waiting for the wolves)

"welcome everyone I've made you all something to eat please help yourself" said esme 

(After esme welcome the pack, they all nod in thanks and begin to eat. the cullens quietly stare for a bit and then begin to talk among themselves. Jacob however decided to walk off for a bit only to be confronted by bella)

"hey jake, I'm glad your here" said bella. "it wasn't my idea to be here, but I don't want anything bad to happen to you" said jacob. "thank you for coming, so you and paul"? bella questioned. "its not what you think we are just acting to get paul's mates attention, paul imprinted a few weeks but the guy is really stubborn" said jacob. "ahh so question, when will you know if you have imprinted on someone". bella asked.

"after the imprint it takes a bit for the other to feel the connection, however there are certain bads to the imprint. "its like you become one you see, feel and breath with one another you are together forever. "the tightening feeling of being apart from one another burns your heart, which wants to be with it one and only". replied jacob. "and who can you imprint on"? asked bella .

"it is all connection, it doesn't matter wether human, werewolf, or... vampire, it all about how much you are to be and feel" he replied.

(bella sees the sadness in jacobs eyes. she reaches her hand out to grab his own)

"I know I'm not for you, but I hope you find your one soon, jake we are still young there's time for you" said bella holding jacobs hand.

(without noticing the two friends were being watched by edward. the teen couldn't help but feel as if something was thriving in his own body, he couldn't take his eyes off the long hair wolf as if he was in sometype of memzeration of the boys beauty. he eventually stopped his gazed and left for training)

(the night after training the two groups went up to the mountains to spend the night, bella was so cold that her body temp was deadly to her. after careful planning jacob came to bella and edwards tent to keep her warm. as she slept edward couldn't help but stare at the sleeping boy next to bella.)

(he moved closer to touch his face on to realize the softness of his skin and even the softness of his hair.)

"why do I feel this way to you" said edward as he contuied to play in jacobs hair as he slept.

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