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(it had been over a week since the fight and Jacob incident, Bella had decided to check up on him for the whole week considering she was to leave town for a few months to visit her mother. Edward now knowing the truth always visited Jacob at night in his sleep making sure that he was okay. the vampire teen would just sit for hours at a time looking over the wolf sleeping)

(after Jacob was finally healed he continued to go back to school. he tried to avoid Edward at all costs as he felt like Edward had found out the truth.)

(one day Jacob decided to stay out at night as the sun was setting Edward spotted jacob and walked up to him)

"There is a reason I'm not around you. Why are you here?" said Jacob as he turned around to see Edward. Tears welled up in Edward's eyes as he took a step closer. "I know, Jake. I know why you're avoiding me. I know why you start to feel, I know why I start to feel. Why didn't you tell me?" said Edward, his voice cracking with emotion. Jacob's heart ached as he gazed into Edward's tearful eyes and saw the depth of his pain. "For years we've hated each other. Can you honestly look me in the face and tell me you love me?" said Jacob, moving closer, his own voice barely above a whisper. The tension between them was palpable as they stood facing each other, unsure of what their next move would be.

(Edward let out a sigh and looked into jacobs eyes)

"We've hated each other for years, what if I told you that it's not true?" said Edward, giving Jacob a confused look. "We are enemies, that's true. We've played our cat-and-mouse game for so long. But over time, I grew to like our hated bond. I grew to like you being around. And now, standing here before you, I can honestly say that I love you. It's not just a fleeting feeling, it's something that's been growing inside me for a long time. I've tried to suppress it, tried to deny it, but I can't any longer. You're the one I want to be with, the one I want to spend my life with. I know it's a lot to ask, but please, Jacob, give me a chance to prove my love to you."

(As their eyes met, Edward's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't resist pulling Jacob closer for a tender kiss. Their lips met, and the world around them seemed to fade away. The kiss was so sweet and passionate that it took them both a while to break from each other's embrace. They were left breathless and lost in the moment.)

(After the kiss, Jacob and Edward held each other tightly, not wanting to let go. They felt a deep connection that went beyond words. They shared a bond that was pure, honest, and filled with love. As they hugged, they knew that they had found something special in each other, and they were grateful for every moment they spent together.)

(Their love was a flame that burned bright, and they knew that it would never fade away. They felt complete in each other's arms, and they were ready to face anything that life would throw at them. As they looked into each other's eyes, they knew that they had found their soulmate. They smiled, knowing that they would always be there for each other, through thick and thin.)

"It's getting pretty late now. But I don't want to leave," said Jacob, pouting. Edward smiled and gently took Jacob's hand. "I know, love. But we have to go home. We can cuddle up together and fall asleep, just like we always do." Jacob's face lit up at the thought. "Okay, let's go," he said, standing up. Edward wrapped his arm around Jacob's waist and led him out of the park, feeling grateful for the love they shared.

(With their hands tightly intertwined, Edward drove Jacob home, cherishing every moment they had together. As they arrived at Jacob's house, the two boys shared a passionate, lingering kiss, their love for each other evident in every touch. Reluctantly, they pulled away from each other, Jacob waving goodbye to his beloved vampire as he stepped out of the car. The warmth of their love lingered in the air, filling Jacob's heart with joy and contentment.)

(once Jacob made his way into his room he fell soundly asleep thinking about Edward)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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