Dobby & Rescue

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{Wide helicopter shot, the opening theme plays, Privet Drive, camera cranes down, over rooftops, rows of houses are shown, until it focuses on one house. It zooms in on the second floor window of number 4, Harry Potter is sitting at the window looking through the scrapbook that Hagrid gave him before he left boarded the Hogwarts Express. He stops at a moving picture of him as a baby with his parents, then turns the page to look at a picture of them with his closet friends, Ron Weasley, Jayson Potter, Hermione Granger and Lucy Tonks. Rattling and squealing is then heard drawing his attention.}

Harry: I can't let you out, Hedwig. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school. Besides if Uncle Vernon --

"Jinxed it." Jay and Lucy said together, they glanced at each other and stared to giggle

{Hedwig squawks again}

Uncle Vernon O.S : Harry Potter!

Harry Potter: Now you've done it.

{In the kitchen, Aunt Petunia puts the finishing touches to a pudding of whipped cream and sugared violets, Harry enters the kitchen}

Aunt Petunia: He's in there, Vernon.

Uncle Vernon: I warned you. If you can't control that blood bird, it'll have to go.

"Like hell!" Lucy yelled causing many to jump

Harry Potter: But she's bored. If I could just let her out for an hour or two --

Uncle Vernon: {Laughs} So you can send messages to your freak little friends? No, sir.

"Freaky" all the witches and wizards yelled.

"Who the fuck are you calling freaky?" Danielle yelled angrily

Harry: But I haven't got any messages. From any of my friends. Not one. All summer.

"Before anybody lashes out on us, just to let you know, we did write to Harry." said Jay

"There was just a slight interference." Ron added

Dudley: Who would want to be friends with you?

"Us" Harry's friends yell in unison

Uncle Vernon: I should think you'd be a little more grateful. We raised you since you were a baby, giving you the food off our table, even let you have Dudley's second bedroom... purely out the goodness of our hearts.

"Bullshit." said Jay

"Does he even know what goodness means?" Hermione asked

"What heart does he have?" Lavender asked

"And did he just say second bedroom, then why was Harry sleeping in the cupboard for all those years?" Parvati asked

"Good question." Remus added

{Aunt Petunia stops cold, exchanges a dark look with Vernon, then sees Dudley extending a finger for the pudding}

Aunt Petunia: Not yet, popkin. That's for when the Masons arrive.

Uncle Vernon: Which should be any minute. now, let's run our schedule one more time. Petunia when the Masons get here, you will be --

Aunt Petunia: In the lounge, waiting to welcome graciously into our home.

Uncle Vernon: Good, and Dudley?

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