Chapter 49

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Rico backs away from me, the shock of my answer written all over his face. And that pains me, because I didn't want to hurt him and that's what I've done. "Rico! Wait! At least let me explain why I said no."

He shakes his head. "What's to explain-you don't wanna marry me. That's pretty cut and fucking dry, I'd say."

Then he storms for the door but before he opens it, he says, "I owe you 10k. You'll have it by morning."

"What! No, you owe me nothing. And please don't blow this out of proportion. Just because I said No, that doesn't mean I'll never marry you-it just means not now; I mean come on. I'm still fucking married to your brother."

"As I said, you'll have the money by morning." He exits the room, slamming the door behind him.

Oh shit. I stomp and groan in frustration.

If he'd bothered to let me explain, he might have understood my reason for saying no instead of taking off offended.

Sometime later, after pacing around my bedroom and going over why I should and shouldn't go after Rico, I decide to look for him. I'm hoping he's had enough time to calm down.

No sooner am I out the door; I make eye contact with security standing by the wall. We exchange a friendly glance before I start my walk towards the staircase, security trailing behind me as I do.

The smell of baking biscuits is strong in the air. At least I know where Nonna is.

I rush downstairs not because I'm in a hurry, but for exercise. Once at the bottom, I head for the kitchen. As expected, I find Nonna there, pulling a tray from the oven and pushing another in.

"They smell amazing," I say, drawing in the yummy aroma.

"Thank you, dear." Nonna pulls the oven gloves from her hands and dumps them on the bench top where flour is scattered. "How are you?"

"Truthfully, I'm exhausted, but feeling blessed to be back here."

Nonna smiles and points to the stool. "And we're glad to have you back. But if you're exhausted, go back to bed and rest."

"I'm too wound up to rest. I'll sleep well tonight, I'm sure... Have you seen Rico?"

Her thick brow raises. "He's gone out. Left in a huff, too. Did you two argue?"

I run my finger over the thin coat of flour on the bench top, making a love heart. "No. But I said something that upset him. Did he tell you?"

She shakes her head. "No, he said nothing."

Silence falls between us.

She doesn't ask what happened and I'm not keen to discuss it with her or anyone, so I change conversation. "I guess everyone's wondering what happened with Grey."

"Well, yes, especially me, but you'll speak about it when you're ready."

I love how considerate she always is.

"If you'd like to know, I don't mind telling you," I say. "Only I'm not sure where to start."

"You start wherever you want, dear."

I yawn before I continue. "Well, it begun at the wedding, so I guess that would be the best place to start."

So I do. And I hide nothing. I give her all the important facts, whether it's what she wants to hear or not. She couldn't understand what I've gone through or what kind of man Grey's become without the truth.

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