Chapter 7- The Letter

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Sebastian opened the letter out of his curiosity. The letter was written by a familiar person, it was from her ex. She wrote the letter 3 years ago, and it was their anniversary at that time. The letter was all about their dreams to be successful soon together with their business.


It's our anniversary now! I want to surprise you by writing this letter. I found some of your childhood pictures hehe. Forgive me but I need to hide this. By the way, love I already found someone that could help us to boost our business sales, it is a partnership. What do you think? HAHAHA, I know it's all of a sudden but please agree with this I need your approval first. Hope to see you soon love.

from your girl, Steffie.

I didn't see this letter, was this the day before we broke up? She wrote me a letter about this. Why she didn't tell me about this? She had another plan for our business and all I do was fight with her about how our business suddenly collapsed. Gosh, I was so dumb! this is all my fault I have to look for her but she might end up distancing herself from me.

I almost punched myself for how I didn't notice all of this before. "Why did I let her go? Why?!" I said and balk at what had happened. I can't believe this she was helping me all the time and was supporting me yet I had no clue what she was doing.

Maybe she was right, being with me was the most regretful choice she had made. I hurt her too much to the point that I didn't notice that she was behind my success. Maybe if I could make things right at first before the incident happen, I most fixed our relationship. However, it was too late, I was swapped with all plans for my own sake, I was too selfish.
After that night, I slept with guilt as I was grieving too hard until my eyes hurt. Though I deserve all of of this, I deserved to be punished like this. I loved her so much... but I hurt her. Is there anyone who would at least believe me if I tell them that I loved her? because I know they would believe that I am a piece of shit instead.

I wake up by a ringing sound from my phone, my dad is calling. "It's too early why is he calling me? probably he needs money again. Do I look at his bank account? Gosh," I said answering the phone call.

"Ohh son finally you answer the call. I guess it's too early to call you, it's already morning there in Paris right?". My dad said.

"Dad, what do you need? Money again? How many times have you asked for money? Did you already waste all the money I gave to you last week?" I said replying to him, I am expecting what was the reason behind him calling me, cause whenever he calls he always asked for money and now it became his habit not gonna lie, I'm sick of this.

"No son HAHAHA you expect me to ask for money again? No, you're not right. I just wanna know what you've been doing. How was the Paris?" My dad said that I know damn well all was a lie,

"Nahh Dad if you lie to me you must put much effort. How much do you need? I guess another buck of money will be wasted again.". Sebastian didn't believe his dad's excuses.

"HAHAHA really? May I have some thousands this time?". As expected, his dad asked for money again.

"What thousands? Do you need to go this far Dad? I worked so hard for me to earn money and you're just going to spend this on your fucking addiction to casino!". I said while yelling, I tried to hide my anger and remain patient with my father but I couldn't bare it anymore.

"What did you say?! Hey! ever since you became successful, you suddenly show signs of being selfish? When you were young did I as for pay when I raise you huh?" My dad said.

"Tsk. Ohh when did becoming a parent a job huh?" I said as a snide remark.

"Yahh!!! so you really won't give me the money!!! You!!! You will regret this son I swear!-" Before my dad continue to say something I already hung up the phone, I don't care anymore. I might be a useless son for him but I want him to know his limits.

After the distraught conversation with my father, I am now heading to the bathroom to take a shower.
While taking a shower, I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened earlier. My father was once a famous farmer in the town of Daegu. He married my mom and they had me, their relationship lasted for 34 years not until my mom died.

And what was the most traumatic my dad ever made is to almost commit suicide after my mom left us. I might have lost my dad if I didn't saw him that night when he was about to climb up and jump off from the rooftop of our house.

I was anxious about his condition, and that was the time when I realize our situation. We barely eat three times a day, and my dad often returned home with an exhausted face and squalid clothes.

I remember my dad once said to me,
"Sebastian, my son, I'm sorry if I can't buy toys just like what the other kids have, your dad is impoverished. So that's why I want you to work hard in the future. You want to be police right? Go study hard son! soon until you became the police, you became a wealthy man and finally, we're not wretched anymore!"

Sebastian remembers those times in his life when he was once a kid who had a dream. "What did I do wrong? We became what we once wished to be yet this is not what I want us to be", he let out some words with teary eyes as he pours some water on his head.

Sebastian continue to cry as those core memories somewhat plays inside his head... where all was alright and his family was still complete.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "Maybe they were right.. i was too selfish, now I'm getting the consequences of my actions." The KARMA hits me so hard that it took my family and my love, Steffanie. 

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