ashley, wednesday 7:28pm
((via snapchat))
ashleygrace: I just realized something
ashleygrace: like I've done everything I could
ashleygrace: ive said sorry and everything
ashleygrace: so its not brad and ashley's story anymore
ashleygrace: its not brashley anymore
ashleygrace: the sparks have left
ashleygrace: brashley is done
ashleygrace: its still in my heart
ashleygrace: it will always be in my heart
ashleygrace: but i have to move on
ashleygrace: i have to find myself again
ashleygrace: i dont know who i am anymore
ashleygrace: who i was revolved around him
ashleygrace: and without him my equation is incomplete
ashleygrace: there'll always be sparks
ashleygrace: but in the end
ashleygrace: we were just a fling
ashleygrace: we were paper hearts that needed much more than just tape to
thatsokaty: k
ashleygrace: lol that was a mouthful
thatsokaty: like brads dick
thatsokaty: sORRY BYE
ashleygrace: k8 r u srs
ashleygrace: i was just moving on
thatsokaty: lol