1: Birth of a mystery

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Chapter 1: Atsui Kuro's birth.


Kuro Kiyoshi, son of the leader of the Kuro clan. He is a powerful man from the Kuro bloodline and the man known to have the power of death and decay, he fell in love with a girl from the Hanabi clan, Hanabi Yurei, the daughter of the leader of her own clan, who holds the power of life and creation.

Both of them who became friends in their first meeting, not minding their clan's rivalry, something that true love can't part. Soon who became best friends, to lovers, to a happily married couple.

Giving up their title as future leaders for the sake of their love and dream life. Making a family of four, with two lovely children, Kuro Atsui and Kuro Akari.

~ end of flashback ~

2006, December 15th, a little girl named Atsui, was born. who was blessed to have the power of both parents, making her a rare child. One born with the greatest gifts of heaven. Oh to have the power of both heaven and hell in her palms. Atsui has her father's appearance, black hair and red sharp eyes. Meanwhile, her sister, Akari, got her mother's appearance, White hair and soft blue eyes.

Time passed and Atsui is now a 4 year old child and her sister, Akari, is now an 8 year old. Akari and Atsui shared the greatest bond. They hung out everyday, laughing and having fun together and protecting each other. An inseparable duo. It's like their life is complete as long as they have each other.

"Atsui, I want you to promise me something."

"hm? oh, Sure! What is it nee-san?"

"please, no matter what happens, I want to see your beautiful smile. I love seeing you happy, y'know. Will that be too hard for you?"

"hehe, no way! I'll definitely keep that promise!"

A promise. Cute right? Or so, we thought.

A week later, Atsui just got back from school, when suddenly, an attack happened in their village. Villains who came to take away all they needed from the village and killed all those who got in their way. Atsui's family, who were one of those who got hunted down because of the power that was sensed in their home.

"Could it be because of... me?" Atsui thought to herself as she looked at the place in horror, their parents were brutally murdered right in front of their eyes as the villain searched for the source of that powerful aura.

Akari stepped in, grabbing Atsui's hand and ran with her. "Let's go! We can't stay here anymore!"

"But nee-san!! What about mom and dad!?"

"we can't do anything about them now! We have to go!" Akari yelled as her sobs grew, still running and holding Atsui's hand. "Don't worry, Atsui. I'll protect you till my last breath. I'm here. Nee-san is here. No need to cry, sis..."

Akari reassured Atsui. Akari is someone who has an angelic and soothing voice, an older sister who protects her sister with all she has. Atsui calmed down at Akari's gentle, reassuring words.

A day passed, Akari and Atsui survived 'till the next day! So, is it finally over? Are we safe? Does this mean we'd still be together? Let's find out.

Not too long after, Akari and Atsui met an uncanny, dark yet glowing eyes. A villain. They were found, and just at the moment they thought they were finally safe together. The villain attacked shortly, resulting in Akari pushing Atsui away from the blow.

"Run, Atsui! Don't look back! Just go!"

Atsui was hesitant, her tears built up in her eyes as she worried for her sister.

"but, nee-san!-"


With that, Atsui ran, not wanting to waste her sister's hardships to protect her.

Akari fought with all her might against this villain who's much of her size and capabilities, to protect her dear sister, her most important jewel, Atsui. Akari gave up her life for Atsui, this being their last bond, the last day Atsui and Akari were to be seen together.

The day when a void appeared in Atsui's heart, like a huge portion of her life collapsed. Seeing her sister who's bloody and lifeless on the ground from a distance, Atsui cried her heart out. A scream that shouted rage and sadness.

"I believe I'm late." Said a deep teen voice.

Atsui looked up to the man in front of her. He has sharp, long, white hair, with soft blue eyes. A man who seems to be in his late teenage years, his hair was tied in a low ponytail with a carefree smile. Fushigi Hajime, a fighter from Everlasting Academy of fighters. A strong student, sent to handle the situation as his mission. A student who'll soon become a teacher from said university.

"w-who are you... mister...?"

"Hajime. I can sense intense power from ya, kid. You'll make a great fighter. I'll teach you how to use that power of yours! heh, I'll make you strong! Trust me."

Atsui was now in confusion. This man is too carefree, too lively, too energetic for the situation. In a blink of an eye, the fighter finished off the fight and picked up little Atsui. Her eyes widened at the man's power.

"Don't worry, kid. I'm not a bad guy. I'll take you in."

Hajime said softly, taking Atsui in as his own non-blood related sister, giving Atsui a gentle, reassuring smile. That smile and tone were enough to remind Atsui of her mother and Akari. He looks a lot like them, especially the white hair and blue eyes, but judging from his last name, Fushigi, he didn't come from the same clan or bloodline as her mother. Hajime is a 17 year old from the Fushigi clan/bloodline.

"Just don't look back. The place is a horrific mess." Hajime then paused as he glanced at Atsui. "I promise I'll take good care of you, Kid. So, What's your name?"

"Kuro Atsui..."

"call me Hajime-sensei from now on, Atsui-chan. I'll be the one to teach you how to use your one of a kind blessing. A power chosen specifically for you."

Calling each other by first names already? Well, maybe he can be a fine big brother figure to Atsui. Soon, Atsui calmed down and hid her face into Hajime's shirt who was carrying her. The man in a low ponytail then walked off carrying little 4 year old Atsui with him, to return to Everlasting Academy and train a new powerful recruit. He saw potential in this little girl. An intense potential and incredible power.

Is she perhaps... the chosen one?

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