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The days following the river trip were definitely along the lines of awkward. I suppose that was sort of my fault though. Even though it was sort of awkward, it was worth it. In my mind at least...I wasn't one hundred percent sure what took over me in that moment I kissed him, but it didn't matter. As long as he wasn't angry or upset with me.

"Hey, Nowaki..." Kida spoke up after a long silence, breaking me away from my thoughts. I opened my eyes and rolled over to face him, propping my head up with my hand.

"Yeah?" I replied. He kept his eyes on his notebook in front of him.

"I was just wondering...are we going to hang out again someday?" He sounded a little sad when he said that. I sat up and laughed.

"Well, of course. Why wouldn't we?" I said. He shrugged and looked over at me.

"I just thought...maybe you wouldn't want to after...well..." Blush was beginning to creep across his face. I shook my head.

"That's silly." I replied. "After all, I kissed you." I watched as the blush on his face worsened. I laughed again. Just as he was about to say something, the doors to the roof top of the school flew open. A couple of my friends came through the door.

"Nowaki! We thought you'd be up here." Elisa called out to me. Her and a couple other people approached us. Kida immediately tensed and turned his head away from us. I looked back at my friends as they sat down without permission. At least the first time I came up here I asked.

"So," one of the guys said. "What's up?"

"Nothing...just hanging out with Kida like usual." I replied. They glanced at him. He was still looking away from us, all tensed up like they were going to hurt him. They turned back to me and waited expectantly. I sighed and turned to Kida. "Kida?"

"Y-yes?" He stuttered, and glanced at me. He looked scared.

"These are my friends. That's Elisa, Jacob, Aiden and his girlfriend Cheyenne. They smiled hesitantly at Kida. He tried to smile back but it was weak, and he turned away right after. They looked at me with odd expressions. I decided to say something to break the silence

"So what did you guys need?" I asked, looking around at them. Elisa laughed.

"Nothing. We just wanted to hang out with you today." Aiden explained. I nodded. Weird...they usually only talked to me in the mornings when I wasn't sitting with Kida. Maybe they were trying to give him a chance. The thought made me feel a little better.

Kida, on the other hand, didn't look like he was enjoying their presence at all. He seemed uncomfortable, and had his body slightly angled away from all of us. He was completely silent as well. It reminded me of the first day I came up and sat with him.

"So what do you guys even do up here?" Aiden asked. I looked at him.

"We just sit and talk. The same thing you all do in the court yard." I laughed. He shook his head.

"It's different though. I mean at least there's like, grass and trees and stuff down there. Up here its just...nothing." He argued. I shrugged.

"I don't know. It's kind of nice up here. It's quiet." I said. He looked around like I was crazy.

"...whatever, dude. I thinks it's boring." He said. We sat and talked for a couple minutes. Not about anything in particular, just talked. That's when Elisa turned to Kida, who had been sitting quietly, almost invisible to our senses.

"Why don't you join in on the conversation, Kida?" She smiled.

"Yeah, come on. We don't bite." Cheyenne said next. He blushed and glanced at them.

"Oh...um...I don't really...know anything about movies and sports..." He stumbled over his words. They laughed and he looked away again. I noticed he was clutching his sleeve in his lap and spoke up.

"If he doesn't want to talk with us, he doesn't have to." I said, giving them a 'you need to stop' look. They stopped bugging him, but Jacob said,

"You need to get him out more. Then he wouldn't be so shy." I shook my head.

"Nah. Kida and I are just fine sitting up here by ourselves, aren't we?" I smiled at him, and he gave me an odd look.

"Sure..." He replied. "I...I think I need to use the bathroom..." He stood, gathered his things and walked away.

I didn't see him for the rest of the day.

A Moment Too Late (Yaoi boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now