Into the new world

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"ack! Itaiiii!!" i yelled as i got forcefully pushed out of that dark portal, such a unfortunate thing.

Wait..I looked around me, while rubbing my side. and noticed this is not any of the villages or even konoha, it's just trees here and in the forest full of nothing but trees.

i slowly got up and and held my bag tightly, i opened it to make sure the egg didn't broke, because i don't know what will happen if it does. Thankfully it was safe, i analyze the forest i was in, and started to move slowly.

I kept walking to this endless forest and eventually got tired, also it's beginning to get dark, i was planning to find some cave to be my shelter for the night, because you will never now if there's something bad may happen.

being a five year old kid is such a drag, i easily get tired because my short legs is slow and it's getting dark, i still haven't eaten anything yet.

Sigh.. i wonder what mom and nee-chan doing right now, i hope their alright.

walking, i felt something stalking me, i kept calm and and walked faster, for around a minute im now running and that stalker was chasing me.

thankfully my little feet can keep up.

Gah this is such a hassle, i ain't gonna die here, i just got reborn and then die here, no way.

that's right, im more stronger now, even tho im still five..

I stop from my tracks and send a strong punch in whoever this stalker is. The 'Stalker' stood up with his shaky legs.. not my fault though, he was the one creepily following me.

The man slowly walked to me, and i got into my stance ready to give him a punch in the gut, because I can't reach his face, considering im still five. 

suddenly the man ran towards me with a speed of light.. Making me not to be able to clearly see his movements as its visibility is no more, the man stood behind me, i was about to face him when everything went black.


|3rd person's Pov|

A man with White hair, was lifting a child off the ground that he just knocked out, to keep himself alive.

it's already night and he was about to report his mission at the HQ when he saw this kid, walking around the forest, without a guardian looking out for them.

"Shit, her punch is 5× stronger than a demon, she's like mitsuri..,Heh maybe she could be use to the corps." the man whispered looking at childs oddly beautiful and cute baby face.

"What a cute little thing, im sure my wives will be happy if they had a child to take care of". the man again whispered, continuing his walk to the Hq.

 2 Hours Later~~~

The man has now arrived at his destination, he was infront of a shogi door waiting to be called, the little girl still on his arms.

"You may come, Uzui-Sama" a serene steady voice called from the inside. slowly opening the door, he saw his Master.


The Man was sitting calmly at a Blue Zabuton. the man has a Short black hair, his face was almost completely covered with this violet face, making his eyes blind, turning into a lavender color.

"Greetings Master.."

"Tengen..may i know how are you? and who is this little girl that you said?"

"Im Okay and still alive Master,and this child, i found her at the forest on my way back here, i have seen how strong she is with just a punch"

"Hmm she could be helpful in the future, you can leave her here and tomorrow morning i'll call a meeting, and ask who can be her guardian, like your description she seems like a child who still needs assistance, for now have a rest my child you did very well in your mission. "

"Very well Master thank you" The man bowed deeply to show his gratitude and respect to the man before standing up and bid his farewell after giving the unconscious child to one of Ubuyashiki's daughter, who gently cradled her.


The next morning

Kamiko's Pov

i woke up in a unfamiliar traditional room this morning, with a sore neck, i looked around and got momentarily frightened not knowing this place, I looked around trying to find some things that could bring some familiarity to me, it was until a boy older than me came and explained why im here right now.

And now im sitting beside Kagaya, facing the Hashira's. I tried to not fangirl at them, because they might think of me as a weird Child. they were discussing about who wants to be my guardian, with my consent ofcourse and in reality i really wanted Mitsuri or even Shinobou to keep me, They're perfect Waifu's so i really wanted them to be my guardian so bad.

"KAWAII!" a loud squeal, made me flinch a bit, then suddenly MITSURI!? was hugging me while rubbing hers and my red cheeks.

I tried to remain my composure, the cutest woman is hugging me right now!! oh my gosh..i might faint..

"You want me to be your guardian right!? right!?, Kawaii!, wait..Can i adopt you?, your so adorable!" she shouted, hugging me, my face buried on her chest, making me blush more.

'i can die happily now..'

"Calm down Mitsuri..let Kamiko-san choose, also Kamiko-san..may we know, where are you from and do you have parent's?" The Master asks.

"Actually im not from here.. let's say im from another world full of ninjas and got thrown in your world.." i hesitantly said, and They all looked at me shock. Tengen was the first one to recover and asks "Your from another world? wait did Kami-Sama sent you to Help us defeat our enemy?, i-i mean..maybe there's a purpose of you being here right?" everyone thought about what he said and believe in it as it was the only logical thing that explains your current situation, right now.

"H-Hai maybe..and im a medic from our world with brute strength that i got from my mom! maybe i can help and train here for the meantime, you defeat this enemies of yours and maybe i can go back to my own world!" i exclaimed, as they nodded thoughtfully.

And with that it's settled, I'm really gonna stay here until I'm done here, we all agreed that I go with Mitsuri to be my guardian and she seems very ecstatic about it, she literally dragged me to her estate.



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