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We disappeared with a pop and the next thing I knew I was drowning

"Oh right" I heard Percy's muffled voice next to me. A warmth caressed my cheek, contrasting with the coolness of the water, and a bubble of air formed around my head "Sorry about that" she said apologetic "We forgot you couldn't breathe underwater"

I gulped in huge breaths of air and nodded stunned, my face flushed, as I took in the room, trying to ignore the quick beating of my heart and the rush of heat I felt on the cheek she'd just kissed.

It was a throne room of sorts with a throne in the center made of bronze, coral and pearls. On it sat a young... merman with long dark hair in a ponytail and twin tails. His bronzed face was scrunched up in worry and concern as a great shark whispered (?) in his ear.

"Brother!" His head snapped up so fast I was worried he'd broken his neck, then his face broke into a relieved smile

"Minnow!" He swam towards her and gathered her in his arms tightly, tears of relief floating upwards into the water "Where were you?!"

"Long story" she grinned, mischievously poking out her tongue "I'll tell you later"

He smiled fondly at her and messed up her hair, letting it flow freely in the water. I relaxed a bit and his eyes cut sharply to me, glowing an eerie blue "Who're you?" He growled, an arm wrapped protectively around her head

"Triton?" Her voice sounded from within his arms

"It's okay Perce, you're safe" she stared at him confused

"Triton, he's not a threat" Hermes tried to explain

"Shut it" he spat "Why're you still here? You've delivered her so you should get the hell out!"

"Damn" Hermes muttered, faking hurt "Well fine, but don't come crawling back to me when you can't get anyone to keep you company while drinking" Triton rolled his eyes and scoffed and Hermes popped away.

"Now back to you" he glared at me "Who're you? Why are you here?"


"Triton!" A woman boomed and in swam a beautiful woman with short dark hair, blue-grey eyes and tanned skin

"What do you want Kym?" he growled

"Hi Kym" Percy awkwardly waved

"Percy!" the woman grinned "I'm so glad you're back and safe!"

"Thanks Kym" she grinned back

"And Triton, don't hurt the mortal"

"Why not?"

"Father said he'll explain when he gets back" she sighed "In the meantime we have to get him back home. Where's Hermes?"

"He left" I replied, Triton looked away guiltily and she sighed

"Come with me, I'll take you home"

"...Okay then"

"Bye Damien!"

"Farewell" and we popped away again

This time we appeared in my chambers and the woman turned to me with an eyebrow raised. I noticed her tail had somehow turned to a pair of legs

"So who exactly are you and how are you connected to what happened to my baby sister?" I frowned

"If you didn't know who I was, how'd you find where I lived?"

"I read your mind, duh" she rolled her eyes

"Then why don't you read my mind for the answer?"

"Good question" she pondered "Maybe cause I'm feeling lazy" she chuckled

"I'm sure your father would tell you"

"But I want spoilers" she whined, I rolled my eyes and ignored her, instead heading to my bathroom. I heard her huff

I paused by the door "Can I ask a favor?"


"Is it possible for me to still have contact with Percy?"

"Hmmm" I felt her eyes raking over me "Of course, I'll teach you"

She walked ahead of me into my bathroom and filled the large tub. "All you need to do is find a water source, place your letter or note inside it and whisper her name. It'll immediately transport to her" she explained "OR" she summoned a small pouch "You use the Hermes express, it collects any form of currency and takes at most 2 days to reach the recipient, it's not as fast or efficient as the water method but it takes less time to prepare."

"What if I want to see her or hear her voice? Does she have a phone I could contact her with?"

"No, not yet at least" she shrugged "But you could always IM her"


"Iris Message" she summoned a crystal "Put this against the sunlight until it produces a rainbow, then say 'Iris, Oh goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering' Toss one of these"- she tossed me a pouch- "Then ask for Percy Jackson, very simple" she carefully handed me the crystal and the pouch from before "But if it's at night...does your shower have a mist function?" I nodded confused "Good, use the mist of your shower for it and say the same prayer I said before. Don't forget it"

"Okay" I nodded and she smiled

"Your so obedient~" she sat on the tub and played with the water "If that's all I'll be leaving now"

"Okay then, farewell" she rolled her eyes and vanished in a sea mist

Betrothed: A PJO X DC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now