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(Bruce's POV)

I tapped a rhythm on my knees, staring at my son at the other side of the screen. He too was expressionless, mindlessly stroking Titus' neck.


"Father" my fingers clenched slightly and I let out a calming breath

"Where are you?" I asked "Dick told me that you'd moved from the Tower"

"It was getting a little...stifling" I narrowed my eyes. "Besides, I'm almost twenty, don't you think I need my own space?"

"Kori is worried about you" he rolled his eyes 

"Well, Kori should go choke on Grayson's c-"

"Master Damien!" he pouted, slumping in his chair. "Goodness, Master Bruce, perhaps Damien should return to Gotham?"

"There's no need Pennyworth, there's no need" I swear for a moment I saw him show a nervous look. I narrowed my eyes. What's the brat hiding?  "Look, father, I'm okay. I'm alive and well and I haven't starved to death yet"

"But why did you move out?" he averted his eyes, toying with a gold band on his finger. My eyes widened "Damien, you-"

The sound of a door opening interrupted me along with a series of thuds and thumps. He turned to look in that direction and his face softened in a soft smile that dazzled and shocked me and the others watching behind me.

"Whoa" Jason gaped "That's deep" 

We watched speechless as someone came closer to Damien, and our jaws almost unhinged in shock when he held their waist and pulled them to straddle him, pressing a sweet kiss on their jaw. They giggled, tipping his chin with a finger, pecking his lips.

"Did ya miss me?" the person - a female - asked cheekily. Damien chuckled and tightened his hold on her waist, kissing her deeply. It started getting a little heated so I cleared my throat deliberately. Damien glared at me and the girl spun on his lap looking into the screen "You're on a call? Weird, since you don't have friends" he rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms securely around her waist "Hello! I'm Percy" she waved "Damien's wife"

I froze. Glass broke behind me then silence. What?

"Father, my wife Percy. Percy, my father, Bruce Wayne. The nice old man's Pennyworth, and those imbeciles are my older brothers, Grayson, Todd and Drake. My stepmother, Selina isn't here, so I'll introduce you next time"


"Damien, y-you're married?" he smirked, obviously pleased that I was shocked and confused. "Since when?"

"A little over a year ago, I think" he said, stroking Percy's belly...that I just noticed was jutting out a little. No don't tell me "How's the baby?" Sweet Jesus!

I felt myself falter, my head heavy. Then I fell out of my chair.



"You mischievous imp" I chuckled as she slapped my arm "What if he dies, hm?"

"That's impossible, father's near immortal" she raised an eyebrow at me and rolled her eyes before slipping out of my lap. "So what did the doctor say?"

"The baby's healthy if that's what you're thinking" she said, rinsing an apple "Dad's ecstatic"

I paled "He knows?"

She hummed around her bite "Really hates your guts right now, but he's always loved the thought of grandbabies so he's chill about it. I think"

I shivered, "Hey, toss me an apple, will ya?" she rolled her eyes

"Sure thing, hubby" she said with a teasing smirk. I growled at her in warning and she growled back struggling to hold back her laughter. "Oh my gods, Damien, you're hilarious!"

I flushed slightly and sunk in my seat. Oh gods...

Sorry for the short update

I've been busy and I'm also kind of losing motivation for this loll

But if you could please give me some ideas, I could put it into writing or something...

Thanks for waiting so long!



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