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I paced nervously in front of the labor room, my father, stepmother and brothers watching me with their eyes as I tugged anxiously on my hair.

"She'll be fine, Dames" Grayson assured me as he held onto a dozing Mar'i. I pursed my lips, which were slightly bleeding due to me anxiously chewing on them.

"It's been hours, Grayson" I groan "And the baby's premature, seven months." I tug on my hair again "Shit shit shit"

"She's a demigod, is she not?" Jason grumbled, though his eyes showed concern "She'll be fine"

I ignored him, my eyes darting impatiently towards the door again. Why couldn't her cousins let me in? I want to be with her!

Soon, the doors pushed open and the twelve year old lady from before with the auburn red hair and moon eyes stepped out with pursed lips. "Come" she said quietly "Turns out you do need to be present"

I didn't wait for the goddess to finish. I shot inside the room, pausing briefly to sanitize myself and don the appropriate wear, then her shiny cousin, Apollo, pulled me by my elbow to where she lay sweating and cursing up a storm.

"Apollo! Get this dam thing out of me!" she screamed, her nails drawing ichor once she gripped his arm. He smiled brightly, stroking her hair. "Of course, Perce" he cooed, gently releasing his arm from her vice-like grip "Just a couple of minutes"

"That's what you said a couple of minutes ago" she whined. He smiled at her and motioned to the god of medicine, Asclepius. I stood by her side and whispered comforting words in her ear in Arabic. She couldn't understand but she smiled and leaned up to kiss my cheek. "The little brat's impatient" she murmured

"Gee, I wonder where he got it from" I tease

She rolled her eyes, her chest slightly heaving "Obviously you" she retorts, smiling slightly

"Uh-huh" I say skeptically. She laughed softly before letting out a pained groan. I hold her hand, rubbing her palm with my fingers to soothe her.

The next couple of hours were a blur of "Push dammit!", "I'm doing the best I can, Arty!" and a bunch of rather colorful choice of words my beloved spouted from her mouth. I was half tempted to toss some soap into her foul mouth and I think Apollo was to, because he kept glancing at it.

At the end of the rather tiring ordeal, I felt exhausted when all I did was hold her hand and calm her with whispered Arabic phrases, but it was all worth it, because in my arms I held two of our three kids. 

Yes, my beloved gifted me three children - triplets, two boys and a beautiful girl.

I pressed a kiss to her sweaty forehead, caressing her as she caught her breath. She fed our babies to still their whimpers for her attention and fell asleep with them in her arms. My heart softened and I couldn't bear to move away.

I must've been dazed, because I didn't notice the Archer twins leave and my family enter to see them. I also didn't notice my father looking anxiously over my shoulder.

That is, until I smelt a rather familiar scent of the sea.

I turned curiously and met eyes with the one man I feared - my father-in-law

Betrothed: A PJO X DC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now