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"Dadu, I'm sorry for my lateness. Did i make you wait too long? " Kavya gently asked while sitting down.

Mahendra Rana hummed in reply. "No, I just got here," He blatantly lied, revealing a smile.

Lakshya Rai, his private secretary, twitched his lips at his Big Boss's lie.

Mahendra Rana had been waiting here the minute he had called her. He seemed to really, cherised the time spent with his little princess. He had so many yet he only seemed to favor this one right here.

"Are you sure? Lakshya's lips jusy twitched right now". Kavya teased, happy she thirty minutes earlier than planned. She knew he was the type constantly wait for her, so he rushed her routine and cab.

Mahendra Rana chuckled, taking a sip of his tea. "It seems I should've made him wait outside" He mused.

"That's not nice, Dadu. He has been your right-hand man for past decade". Kavya teased right back, giggling to herself when she took a sip of hot chocolate milk.

Lakshya let out an exasperated sigh. The two always teased him as if he wasn't present in the same room as them. Luckily, he was used to their bullying. Whatever made them happy, he would gladly oblige.

"Besides, why are you still standing, Lakshya?Come and sit down". Kavya beckoned towards the emty seats surrounding their table.

"No thank you. I have to leave soon". He politely declining the offer. Exactly a few second after, his phone went off. Excusing himself, he stepped outside.

"Princess, how are you these few days? I still haven't visited your condo after coming back last week. "Mahendra Rana was a busy man.

He was the King of Hotel Empire and Head Monarch of the Ahuja corporation. He did not inherit his position like most company legacies. Mahendra Rana was the youngest in his family, but after working hard, he was able to achieve the outstanding position as CEO of the Ahuja corporation.

"It's the same routine, there's nothing out of the ordinary. Kavya said whilst picking up the menu and briefly skimming through it.

"My sources told me Aisha Singh Oberoi had set you up on another blind date yesterday". Mahendra Rana listlessly said, but his hawk eyes were monitoring Kavya's expression.

Kavya stiffened at the news and sighed. " Dadu, please don't tell me you've hired another private team or bodyguards who are watching me from the distance". She placed down the menu and childishly crossed her arms.

Mahendra Rana chuckled. "You're a Ahuja and my favorite granddaughter --those titles are enough for you to have a hit on your head. You need to be well-protected. Besides, an extra layer of security never harmed anyone."

"It'll harm my privacy". She resorted.

"Yes, but it will keep you safe. Especially with that Ghatiya ( Bad) Kashyap brat and his minx running around the city. "Mahendra Rana's voice was nonchalant as he casually threw out the comment. But deep down, he was burning with fury and desire for revenge.

He used to be close friends with the elders of Kashyap's family, but after the horrible humiliation that Kavya had to endure, Mahendra Rana severed all ties with the them. He would never allow her to be trampled over,
regardless of the things she might've done!

The Ahuja corporation had taken a harsh blow in their stocks, but Oberoi's Enterprise came as their aid.

"It's fine. I'm not scared of him, Dadu.... " Kavya's voice turned soft and gentle, but it quivered and shook with uncertainity.

One glance at the broken and pained expression on her face was enough to make Mahendra Rana frown.

"Are you sure you don't want to take up my previous offer? We can try to get rid of that woman--"

Armaan was in charge of private military that the Kashyap owned and he would never hesitate to use it, especially when Malika was in the picture.

Had this been the previous, naive and vengeful Kavya Ahuja, she would've immediately agreed with her dadu.

An opportunity to discard Malika? Gladly. However, she was not that Woman anymore. She had learned her lesson the hard way and was determined to not experience it again. Besides, she didn't want to forever remain the stereotypical ex-financee who refused to let go of the big thigh as she was constantly clutching.

"What that bastard has done to you is despicable". Mahendra Rana placed down his menu.

How dare they try to attack his princess when he was out of the country on an important business trip?

Armaan Kashyap waited for the perfect opportunity where all of Kavya's comrades and allies were out of the city or the country to strike her. And indeed, they struck her hard. Within a matter of three days, she was humiliated, tossed aside, disowned, banned, blacklisted, beat and ruined.

Kavya might've done some horrible things to Malika, but Armaan's action had crossed the line.

"You've changed so much within two years". Mahendra Rana said, remembering the memories of Kavya's spoiled bratty ways.

Kavya let out a light laughter. "I didn't want to be that hateful and vengeful financee. A positive change isn't that bad". She rested her cheek on her propped up hand.

"You've done too much for that useless man". Mahendra Rana muttered, clearly not wanting to let Armaan Kashyap go unpunished.

His princess shouldered all of hard responsibilities of being Armaan's public financee. Malika was hidden from limelight, thus, never received the harsher end of stick.

Kavya had to endure death threats constant assassin attempt, staying up for endless nights working on his reports, and signing documents. It was all of the responsibility that Malika should've done, but instead of doing so, she ran from it.

"I want to let go of the past, Dadu. It's not good to dwell on it further..." Kavya whispered, hugging her stomach protectively.

The past was past. It should remain in the past and not the present or future.

Mahendra Rana's face softened. The woman in front of him has become a shell that has suffered immense damage. The cracks were clear, and the high walls she created were ever more visible.

She was severely damaged, and nothing he could do or say could turn back the time.

"It's been a while since we've last had a nice chat over lunch. Let's not talk about this matter anymore." Kavya quietly said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mahendra Rana sighed. "Alright, I suppose we should get back to ordering our food. "

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