Heroes and Villians - Jimmy and Scott

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There was just a realisation, Jimmy and Scott, (Villian and Hero, respectively). Jimmy is very much liking Scott, they are no longer wanting to be enemies. Jimmy has been trying to reduce the combat for around four months. Scott, has finally listened.

"I mean, if you're not coming to hurt anyone, anymore, then yes. We can live in peace." Elfflen (Scott) said

"Yeah. I'm starting to realise how screwed up what I'm doing for them is" Codra (Jimmy) said. "it's not good really"

Elfflen nodded. They actually conversed for a couple minutes then before they could go their seperate ways, The Villians, swooped in, "Hii Codraaa" A squeaky girly voice squealed at him. It was Oceania

"Hello Oceania" Codra replied. Oceania removed her hood, revealing her blue skin.

"Your supposed to be hurting him, Elfflen is a Villia, and darling, we're the heros" She spoke, Oceania had siren like powers, getting into a trance was so dangerous.

"No Oceania. Don't you understand, the TERRIBLE things we've done?! Don't you have basic human empathy?!" Codra asked.

"Ohhh if you want to be a villain~" she splashed a potion on him. "In 5 minutes, you will murder everyone you've ever loved, You will hung them down, torture them and wait for their death. Good luck my brother"

They both knew she wasn't bluffing. Oceania never went back on a threat. She was a villain of course.

Elfflen turned to him. "We do something to you, to keep you away from everyone"

"I'll do it" Codra responded. And so he did. He cuffed his hands to two different poles, and weighing down his feet. No hell from Elfflen, was asked for or required

"Elfflen, I think you'd ought to leave" Codra said.

"No. I'm staying here and I'm going to make sure you don't get to people you actually love." Elfflen said

"No, you don't understand. Go!"

"I won't!"

With about 30 seconds left until Codras effect kicked in "Look! Elfflen! I love you! Okay?! So go! Before you get hurt from this too! Please. Listen to me."

Elfflen looked Codra in the eyes and called up some backup, with Salmonella and Amethyst (FWhip and Gem). They'd come sort it out. He nodded slowly and run away. Just in time.

[392 Words]

Very short thing. But it's cool. So I like it. Anyway, opinions appreciated.  See you!

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