Lizzie, Help!

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ESMP1 Mafia!AU, Cod Squad VS Team Salmon.


Jimmy was being chased. 'by how many people?' He thought. When he looked back, he counted three, though knowing there was many more, and saw them gaining on him. So he turned his head back to in front of him. Lucky he did too, he needed to continu through some winding areas soon, if the enemies didn't stop.

He grabbed his phone, and without looking, turned it on and swiped across to the left. Opening the camera. He tapped the "Photo" button, flipped the camera, and took another. Then he would have a proper check of roughly who was chasing him, and how many people were there. Most importantly, if they had weapons. Because, as Jimmy was only getting his groceries, he did not bring a weapon, other than a small pistol. But, of course, no ammo.

After finding a pretty long corridor where Jimmy knew he'd have to run through, but he would have time to activate the software that Lizzie had created using AI that some of the Pixandria's technological helpers had developed for facial recognition on their limited technology.

Jimmy looked at his phone and activated it. Despite seeing FWhip, Sausage, and Gem already in the photo.. 'Of course it's them. Why am I not surprised.' Then Scott. 'And the one I wish was on my side.' He sighed. Then the phone pinged his results, upon reading them he sped up. "People: 8, Subjects: Identified and Labelled, Weapons: 80% of the people in this photo are holding a weapon (Labelled).

Jimmy pulled on some gloves, hearing the bunch of fast footsteps gaining on him. And started dropping some things behind him, he started speeding up immediately. Gloves on, to make sure there was no way for them to identify him. And dropping heavy items to make him faster.

Soon, Jimmy could hear the steps a bit less so he took a tiny break for a speed potion. Then, he heard the steps again. And he started running again, definitely quicker. He was faster, but they had already got speed advantage. And Jimmy heard a splash. So they definitely used a potion on all of them. 

"Oh Cod-boy~!" Jimmy heard. He was almost certain it was FWhip. "You can't run forever!" But Jimmy could not be sure. And he was being underestimated. So he pulled out his phone again, and it unlocked from the fingerprint identification on the power button.

Jimmy felt a bit more confident now. And he opened his calls app, and dialled Lizzie. Before Lizzie picked up he shouted behind him. "Yes I can!" The only thing he had done with confidence today. 

"CodFather? You good?" The phone had been picked up.
"We have a situation, Shadow. Currently being chased by about 8 members, as in, 4 members, 4 goons. Of Team Salmon." He said. Slightly frantic.
"Alright. Get to the Yaza. I'll be right there. Shadow out." Then the phone hung up.

It was a good thing Jimmy knew his way around the Alleys and the places with given names within them. He pulled a little trick he learned in an area in the Lao intersection. Which is extremely close to The dead-end they had nicknamed, Yaza.

To get to Lao intersection, you have to do a right turn then very quickly, go left or right. The turns are extremely sharp and then in both path they go do more turns. So you can't see if anyone's gone down one unless it was in the last couple seconds. Jimmy knew this, and planed to use it to his advantage.

'Alright. Time for Lao, I need to go left to get to Yaza. That works.' Jimmy thought. Then it approached. The sharp right then sharp left. Jimmy sped up again, to make sure this worked. After a couple seconds, there it was. Lao Intersection. 'Right, left.' He reminded himself. Then, Right turn. 5 metres. Left turn. 'Ok, hard part done.'

Then Jimmy did some "going with the road" as it's called. Then he heard voices. Of course the road the four real members, Scott, FWhip, Sausage and Gem go down is the left. Of course! There is no peace for Jimmy apparently. And of course, like many times before, he picked up his pace. Reaching Yaza, he stopped. And noticed a very tall silhouette. Standing on the building he leaned his back on.

Before he could think, the Salmon members appeared. 'Like leading a mouse with cheese' Jimmy thought. "Ah. It's you." Jimmy said, he was now practically cornered. "Hello Cod-boy." FWhip said. Then, Sausage loaded a gun, and pointed it at Jimmy. "Let's get straight to business." Sausage said. Then Gem spoke, "Where is the Tanzanite, cod-boy." Not a question. A demand. Jimmy was considering answering, then said "I prefer Sapphires." FWhip's gun raised.

And all of a sudden, a slight ruckus began. Some clangs on windows, and some washing lines began moving quite a bit. After a second, an ominous voice spoke, "Let him go, and nobody gets hurt." It said down on them. Jimmy, Scott, and Gem knew where the person's silhouette was. They said nothing. But FWhip did. "Why should I?" He asked.

After a couple seconds of silence, FWhip continued, "See? You're a coward. Could do much," and having now provoked the wrath of Lizzie, she dropped down, via some windows. "Only one group gets to pick on him. And it's not you."

The fear in the air was electric. "ShadowLady." Sausage said, he tried to seem like he wasn't in any ounce of fear, but it was fairly obvious. Sausage was usually the least scared, but everyone acted so tough that it didn't matter. "Core-Sheep. Or shall I say, Sausage Myth? Now, leave." Lizzie said, not seeming to care that she was breaching the identity of a member of the Rivals. 

Sausage whispered something to FWhip, who gestured at Gem, who just picked up Scott, using her magic. They all turned away, except for Scott of course, who was now upside down. FWhip turned around, said "It won't be as easy as calling your leader next time." turned back, and walked away. 

Once they were gone, Lizzie looked down to Jimmy. "Cod, you are terrible at making sure you have a weapon." Jimmy looked offended. After a moment of bickering, a rope hit the wall next to them, from above. "About time Small-Boy." Lizzie called, upwards. "HEy! I'm TALL!" A voice shouted down. Lizzie and Jimmy grabbed onto the rope, and ascended with it.  Leaving the area empty. 

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