Chapter 19: The Yule Ball

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The twins, to absolutely no surprise to Harry, tested into the seventh year with flying colors. The scarce few days before the start of term Harry and Tom stood back and watched sweet talk their way into the hearts of their peers.

Fred Hanley was charming, charismatic, and thanks to a few of his wild stories about him and his brother and their war effort, quickly became known as one of the most cunning among them.

It didn't hurt that Tom and Harry liked him. Instantly winning him over to the entirety of the underclassmen and most of the upper.

During their time in the cafeteria and around the common areas it was quickly apparent that George was likewise having success with the other Hufflepuffs.

Ravenclaws...and Griffindors.

There was always a group of laughing students around him. Clapping him on the back, or running up to ask him this or that. All he would say when asked was that laughter caught more pixies than scowls did. Harry didn't know if that was true, but whatever George was doing had worked.

If his goal was to become one of the most popular students overnight, that is.

Which, it probably was.

The term started with little change. Harry still had his defense classes with the seventh year. Something Fred was overjoyed about. He instantly went on about how Harry had taught him and George much of what they knew about defensive magic, including how to cast a corporeal patronus. A feat the both impressed everyone, and led to more than a few requests for Harry to teach them as well.

Life became quite simple. Harry woke next to the person he loved most in the world. Went to class, spent time with friends in the common room, and fell asleep in Tom's arms to start the whole thing over again. There was little he could think of that would have made it better. It was as close to perfection as he had ever gotten before.

Until he remembered with bone chilling clarity.

The Yule Ball.

"It's not funny." Harry said firmly as Tom continued to laugh from the sofa in their room.

"I'm serious. I'm a terrible dancer. I'll make you look bad. We should just sit on the sidelines. Drink punch and hope there is good food."

"Harry, my love, this isn't a problem. Come here." Tom beckoned him forward and Harry trudged up to stand between his legs, allowing Tom to take his hands in his own. "Listen to me, dancing isn't that hard. And it doesn't matter if you are grand at it. I am, and one good dancer compensates for a poor one. Trust me."

When Harry didn't answer right away Tom stood and led him over to a cleared space in the room, placed Harry's hands, one on Tom's shoulders, the other he took in his hand, and then set his hand on Harry's lower back. "Like this," he said and began to move, leading with gentle pressure to Harry's back. "It's a lot easier this way, yes?"

Harry nodded, blushing a little. He hadn't thought about Tom leading, since he had been forced to lead before. But...this was nice. Tom knew what he was doing. His hands were firm and sure on Harry's body. It was actually a bit fun this way.

"Tell you what, we'll practice everyday after school or before bed until the dance. How does that sound?"

"Okay," Harry smiled up at him, "I think I can be ready by then."


He shouldn't be nervous.

He had never been nervous in this situation before.

But this was...different

This wasn't Tom marching into the room and demanding obedience in a goal he had convinced a group of blood thirsty pure-bloods to fall in line behind.

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