Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

They put him up at the Leaky Cauldron.

Less than an hour after Dumbledore left Cane came back, reading from a little book she'd pulled from her pocket. Without looking up she informed him that he would be taken to the Leaky Cauldron where a room had already been provided for him until the first of September. His meals, room, and even all the clothes and books he'd need for school would be taken care of, he assumed from a fund the school had for orphans and those who's families couldn't afford everything that was needed.

He had no small amount of gold on him as it was. The pouch he used had been enchanted by Hermione a few years ago, it could hold a small fortune and weighed nothing. He also had a wad of muggle cash he could change back to wizarding money once he reach Diagon Alley. It was all the money he had now, his overflowing vault now fifty years out of reach. He should save as much as he could, which meant dealing with the second hand books and clothing he was sure would be the only stores he'd get to spend school money at.

Even though Cane had make it seem like everything was ready for him to leave, it was almost another hour before anyone came to collect him. When the door open again it was Burke, carrying a bundle of black cloth. He fixed Harry with a smile before shaking it out to reveal a set of robes.

"These are my son's, but I think they should fit." At Harry's blank look he elaborated. "You can't walk through Diagon Ally in muggle clothes."

"Why....not?" Harry began asking before he remember that this was not his time.

Burke sighed, dropping down in the chair next to him "I know you've been traveling with your family and godfather, you've needed to blend in with the muggles to do that, right?" Harry nodded tentatively...That fit his cover well enough. "Since Grindelwald's war, his anti muggle initiative, it's just easier to wear the robes in wizarding spaces."

Harry glanced back at the paper, he hadn't read it but the headline and pictures on the front were nothing to take lightly. The war never reached Hogwarts, it never even reached Diagon Ally. He knew that it would progress as it should, for Harry was not getting involved, so his being there shouldn't matter. History may have assured him of these facts, but the small things. How the wars effected simple everyday life, hadn't been quite so thoroughly recorded.

He took the robes from Burke and shrugged them on. He would blend in and not complain. The robes fit surprisingly well, considering they belonged to someone two years his junior. He buttoned them up carefully, making sure nothing of his muggle clothes could be seen under them.

Burke gave him a curt nod and motioned for him to come stand by the fire. From inside his robes Burke pulled out a small jar of shimmery green powder, pulled the stopper and tossed a healthy pinch into the fireplace. As the flames roared up, a vicious sizzling green, Burke turned to him with a kind smile.

"Cane is waiting for you. she has everything all settled. She'll show you around where you'll be staying for the next month until school starts." He patted Harry's back quickly then yelled 'The Leaky Cauldron' into the green flames, wished Harry good luck and stepped away.

several fireplaces zipped passed his eyes as soon as he stepped into the flames, it was a dizzying but fast trip and soon he was spilling out into the familiar lobby of the Leaky Cauldron.

Cane was there, as Burke said she would be. She grabbed him as he fell out of the hearth, steadied him, and let him go quickly. Dusting green powder and soot from his robes and hair, he took a look around, gathering his bearings. Though it was hardly noon, the Cauldron was already quite lively. Most of the patrons were eating lunch, though more than a few of them were already nursing tankards and tumblers. He smiled as he took it all in.

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