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2020. September 27

It was my 24th birthday, and my morning started off with a bunch of fun calls. My family sang me happy birthday, and my friends sent over some video messages that made me laugh. Even the Milano team dropped me heartfelt wishes in our chat.

But the one call that caught me off guard was from Yuki, right on the minute. 

"Wow, how thoughtful," I teased as I answered the call.

"Very appreciative. And I haven't even said anything yet," Yuki teased back.

"Well, duh! I knew you wouldn't miss my birthday," I said.

"Who said? I didn't know it was your birthday,"
he said in a serious but playful tone.

"You never fail to annoy me," I groaned, but he just laughed at me.

I wondered why Yuki always teased me like this, even though he joined in the fun when his own teammates poked fun at him.

Shaking my head, I tried to sound annoyed, "What's up, Ishikawa-san? Why are you calling so late?" 

"Can you come outside?" he asked nicely. 

"Is it a birthday gift? If it's money, I'm all in," I joked, getting a bit excited. 

"A thousand euros. Hurry up," he said. 

"I hope it's something purple. You know I love that purple paper," I told him. 

"It is. Now, come on. I should be sleeping," he complained. 

"Then why'd you call me?" I protested. 

"Just. Come. Down," he insisted. 

"Whatever, Ishikawa," I sighed, ending the call. 

I couldn't believe I was actually going outside just because he asked. I put on my jacket and went out to meet him.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I saw Yuki waiting for me in the lobby.

"Where's the gift?" I asked, holding out my hand to him.

He didn't give me anything but instead, gestured for us to start walking.

"Why are we going this way? I thought you were tired and wanted to rest?" I was confused but also curious.

"Shhh... let's not be too loud. We might wake someone up," he replied with a smile.

Soon, we arrived at a park. It was midnight, but the lights made it feel peaceful and calm.

Then, Yuki stopped walking, took out a small box from his pocket, and handed it to me before quickly turning his face away.

"Why are you giving me this? Are you confessing again?" I teased him because he looked so shy.

"Just open it," he said without looking at me.

Jokingly, I asked, "Is it a thousand euros in here?"

"Yep, a thousand euros and something purple," he played along.

But when I opened the box, it wasn't money. Inside was something way more special.

Yuki had given me a silver necklace with a snowflake pendant that had purple gems. I couldn't say a word. Yuki always knew how to make a moment special.

"Will you just look at it all night? I should take it back then," he teased, seeing how I was lost for words.

I didn't reply, but my look said thank you more than words could.

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