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2021. July 5

"Mama, I've got something to tell you," I whispered to Mama as we settled down for a late lunch at a restaurant near the airport. My flight from a layover in Singapore had just landed at 1 PM.

Yuki and I had discussed introducing our parents to each other through video calls. It was unconventional, but it was the best we could manage given the circumstances.

Mama's eyes widened with curiosity. "What's that, Erinne?" she asked.

Gathering all my courage, I spoke softly but firmly, "Ma... I have a boyfriend po."

Both Mama and Eleine were visibly taken aback by my confession. They exchanged confused glances before Eleine broke the silence. "Who?!" she exclaimed.

Blushing, I replied, "Yuki... Ishikawa... Japan's volleyball player."

I showed them my phone's wallpaper featuring Yuki and me. Eleine chuckled, still doubtful. "Ate, I know he's your player, but please, stop joking."

Mama laughed too, but their skepticism was clear. Determined, I showed them more photos of Yuki and me together.

Despite the evidence, they still found it hard to believe. After all, the idea of being in a relationship to such a popular foreign athlete seemed far-fetched.

Just then, Yuki's message popped up at the perfect moment.

"Have you arrived?"

"Yes, Mama and Eleine picked me up. We're now having a late lunch."

"Good, good. I just got off from our practice. I'm free for the rest of the day."

"Yuki, I know this is sudden, but are you okay with video calling? They couldn't believe that you are my boyfriend."

"Now? I look messy, but sure if that would make them believe you."

"Will be calling now."

I quickly called Yuki using my iPad. He answered right away, appearing on the screen with a warm smile. Mama and Eleine were stunned into silence. They both looked shocked and shy.

Yuki introduced himself graciously. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Hernandez and Eleine. I'm Yuki Ishikawa. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Mama and Eleine, regaining their composure, introduced themselves as well. They asked Yuki a few questions, trying to gauge his sincerity.

Finally, Mama spoke, her voice laden with love and concern. "Erinne is very precious to me. She's a responsible daughter, wise and beautiful. She has never disappointed me, even when she gets tired. I know I've put her under a lot of pressure, but she always delivered. She got hurt once, so please take care of her. I can see that you are a reliable man, Yuki."

Yuki responded sincerely, fully aware of Mama's words. "Yes, I will take care of her, Mrs. Hernandez."

A smile graced Mama's face, and she said warmly, "You can call me Mama if you'd like."

Yuki's expression lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, Mama. Arigatou gozaimasu!"

Just then, our food arrived, and we reluctantly had to bid Yuki farewell. "Later, Yuki. Rest well!" I called out to him, already missing his presence.

"Just give me a call whenever, Ai," he replied tenderly.

Ending the video call, I turned to Mama, knowing another important conversation was about to begin.

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