Part- 2 Love

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You were getting your things out of your locker when suddenly someone closes your eyes with his hands

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You were getting your things out of your locker when suddenly someone closes your eyes with his hands.

Y/N - Jungkook i know it's you

Jungkook- hey how you find me every time

Y/N - because you do this everyday

Jungkook- leave it now tell me what day is it today.

Y/N - Wednesday

Jungkook- i mean what special day is today

Y/N - ohhh i Remember it's Wednesday today, Suzy had promised to treat me hotpot today thanks for reminding me

Jungkook- You don't remember our anniversary In others relationship, boys forget the anniversary date, but here everything is opposite.

Y/N - hey hey i didn't forgot anything.
i was just having some fun.

Jungkook- ahhh you close your eyes

Y/N - waee why

Jungkook- do naaa

Y/N - okay [you close your eyes]

Jungkook- Now open your eyes

You slowly open your eyes and saw jungkook down on his knees with a small box in his hands your eyes widen tears started falling from your eyes you made him to stand up

Jungkook- Y/N WILL YOU MARRY ME after our graduation Now I want everyone to know that you are mine


[he makes you wear the ring and join his lips with yours]

Y/N - Do you know what gift i got for you

Jungkook - you are my greatest gift

Y/N - awww Your gift is that next week my father is coming here

Jungkook- really

Y/N - Now we will tell him about our relationship.

Jungkook- but what if he gets angry

Y/N - this has not happened to me till today that I asked my father for something and he did not give it to me
he love me more than his own life

Jungkook- You are so lucky that you got such loving parents

Y/N - Also i am very lucky that i got you in my life Thankyou for everything

[you pecked his lips again]

Jungkook- Oh my come here(he try to approach you)

Y/N - Oh Oh wait that's it for today we are in college now [you ran towards your classroom

You are in your room talking to jungkook on the phone suddenly someone knocks on the door

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