Part- 4 Forest

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You both are running in the forest all alone in the forest loomed before you both its darkness growing denser and foreboding. your heart pounding in your chest as her feet carried her deeper into the unknown her lungs burned,her feet stung,her legs ached but she never stopped she is following her love

She sprinted through the thick undergrowth, branches,the sharp branches leaving cuts on there arms and leaves whipping against their skins fearmingled with exhilaration she skillfullynavigated between trees and leaped over fallen logs pushing her ...

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She sprinted through the thick undergrowth, branches,the sharp branches leaving cuts on there arms and leaves whipping against their skins fear
mingled with exhilaration she skillfully
navigated between trees and leaped over fallen logs pushing her body to its limits avoiding the pain

After some times they saw small wooden house its looking creepy

After some times they saw small wooden house its looking creepy

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Jungkook- we have to live here for some day

Y/N - Jungkook i scared if someone saw us here

Jungkook- No one can find us here its the safest place for us

[you both went inside the house you looked around there was bed and small kitchen and a bathroom ]


Guard- Sir they ran away

Mr Kang- i don't know anything i want my daughter find her until you catch her.

Jun-woo - what happen uncle

Mr Kang- Son she ran away with that bastard

Jun- woo- What?

Mr Kang- Yes

Jun-woo - don't worry uncle i will find them soon


Jungkook was sitting on the floor you are sitting on the bed he was applying medicine in your wounds.

Y/N- Jungkook

Jungkook- Yes love

Y/N- where were you for a week and why didn't you pick up my call

Jungkook- your father's guards took my phone and I was Searching for the safest place for both of us in those weeks

Y/N - i am sorry Jungkook [you started sobbing]

Jungkook- for what love

Y/N - Because of me you have to face so many difficulties(you said while touching his wounds )

Jungkook- please don't say that i love you so much This is a minor injury I am even ready to give my life for you

You hug him tightly and started sobbing harder. he cares you back

Jungkook- Shh stop crying I will prepare something to eat, you must be hungry, right?

Y/N - I love you

Jungkook- I love you too


Guard- Sir, we searched all the places but could not find them.

Jun-woo- I don't know until you guys find them don't show me your gross otherwise i will kill you

Jun-woo- GO..[he shouted]

Guard - okay boss[they all left]

Jun-woo - jungkook you didn't do it right


Jungkook is cooking something for you
you went towards him and back hugged him.He leans back and attaches his lips to yours

Jungkook- baby Don't worry everything will be fine

Y/n - hmm

Jungkook- look what i made for you your favorite avocado toast let's eat[he started feeding you]

Time skips

Y/N - baby i am going to take a bath

Jungkook- okay

After some time you slowly opened the door and looked at jungkook who is sitting on the bed using his phone

Y/N - Ah jungkook

Jungkook- Hmm what happen baby

Y/N - actually i forgot that i didn't bring my clothes with me And what I was wearing got wet

Jungkook- Oh wait [he left]

after some seconds he came with his shirt in his hands

Jungkook - here wear this

You took the shirt from his hands and closed the bathroom door

After some times you came out wearing his shirt was only coming up to your thighs you are pulling the hem of his shirt downward Jungkook eyes widen after he saw you in his shirt you are looking really sexy you sat on the bed

Jungkook- baby you are looking so hot
[you blushed]

Y/N - I know

Jungkook- what should i do i am controlling myself

Y/N - THEN WHO TOLD YOU TO CONTROL YOURSELF [you said with a smirk]



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