Chapter 2 - So I Fell

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Uncle Baldo was laying on his back looking up into a featureless sky. No clouds above, no sun, just the purest white light emanated from everywhere.

A girl, giggles.

Uncle Baldo turned to face the source. He gasped when he found Maria was there too. She was surrounded by the same brilliant light that seemed to make up this new world. She was holding hands with a strangely familiar little girl, even though he was sure he had never seen her before. He got to his feet and took a few steps towards them. Maria held up her hand to stop him. The little girl looked at Maria and smiled. She let go of Maria's hand and skipped over to Uncle Baldo. As she got closer to him and farther from the bright light, Baldo could see that the little girl had tiny dove like wings. They were as white as the rest of this place.

The little girl stopped directly in front of Uncle Baldo and offered her hand. He hesitated for a moment then accepted. Her hand was so warm.

Was this their daughter? He thought.

She looked exactly as they dreamed she would look. Uncle Baldo turned to call too Maria. But, Maria was gone... He preceeded too search for Maria, but the little girl stopped him. He tried to push past her when-


Something hit him in the chest so HARD It almost knocked him off his feet! Uncle Baldo grabbed his chest in pain!


The world flashed and Uncle Baldo collapsed to the ground. He was flat on his back in the same place he arrived just a few moment earlier. The little girl pulls as his hand. He had almost forgot he was still holding the little girl's hand when-


He grasped his chest with his free hand and gasped for air! He couldn't breath!

The little girl was noticeably scared now! She was starting to panic and used her other hand to try to pry herself free from him. But, Uncle Baldo held her tight. He couldn't let her go, he was scared too!


The world went black.

The only sound was his own heart beating.


The chirp of a heart monitor joined in. Uncle Baldo opened his eyes. He was in a hospital emergency operating room. A doctor, holding a pair of defibrillators, speaks to him calmly, "Welcome back. We thought we lost you."

Uncle Baldo attempted to speak, "Maria?.."

The doctor was about to reply when his nurse covered her mouth to muffle a surprised scream.

Some people tell stories about seeing bright lights and even Angels when they come back from near death experiences. But, my Uncle Baldo, he upped the game when he dragged me right out of heaven with him.

They all stared at me, like they were waiting for something to happen. All I could do was stare back. Maybe I was waiting for something to happen too? Then something did! There was this sound, like a trumpet in the distance, and just like that, POOF! My wings imploded into a shower of falling feathers.. And for the first time in my new life I could feel the cold of the air-conditioning on my skin.

I was human.

But, that was a long time ago. I'm a teenager now and other than the lack of a belly button. I was just like every other awkward teen girl you ever met, rebellious, emotional, boy crazy, love songs and romance novels!

Yep, I am your typical hot mess!

OMG! Where did that feather come from?...

*******To be continued!*******

I have always been fascinated with the idea of Angels. This chapter was hard for me to write because I too lost a child and everyday I try to imagine what he would have looked like.  Thank you for reading chapter 2, please like and share! And if you have any questions or comments or just want to see more of a certain character, please let me know! Thank you! More to come! :)

Angel of the Barangay - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now