~Chapter 2~

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Lillian's POV

Galand and I stand in front of Meliodas and his friends. Galand, who was stroking the spike on his chin says, " So, this is where the humans nest, seems there's been quite a few changes over the past 3,000 years but as usual they're all clumped together, I suppose some habits never change, it's too cramped." And then he swung his halberd around causing screams of the civilians to be heard and dust to rise once again. Meliodas took the chance and quickly snatched me away from Galand. I gasp but Meliodas places a finger on my mouth saying, "Shhh" and wraps his arm around my waist causing me to blush. From the corners of my eye, I could see his friends looking at us suspiciously and Elizabeth looking upset.

Once the dust cleared, we all looked around in shock seeing many houses destroyed and many lives lost. "Ah that should make things a little more roomier, don't you think little one?" Galand asks me. "Roomier for what?!" I ask. "Hm? It seems you have caught on to my plan, huh Melio-" Galand starts but is cut off when Meliodas lets go of my waist and leaps forward slicing Galand's neck. However, Galand quickly recovered from that attack and stabbed Meliodas in the stomach. "Meliodas!" I call out, ready to run towards him but Merlin places a hand on my shoulder shaking her head.

I sigh and decide to just watch, then two Meliodas' attack Galand but he swung his halberd at their heads and dust rose again. 'An illusion?' I thought looking at them. When the dust clears I was in a 'Perfect Cube' with an orange-haired kid. Elizabeth and Hawk were in a cube next to us. I look at the clones only to see them disappear. "An afterimage? No, this feels like I'm being set up for the real one. And the next from behind." Galand starts, and just then a Meliodas appears behind him. "But it's only a ruse, from above, huh?" And then the real Meliodas appears above him. Galand grabs him by the neck choking him.

"Amusing spell, however, I'm not really fond of cheap tricks." He says, looking at Meliodas. The other Meliodas attacks Galand but is stabbed in the stomach just like the first clone. "This monster's unbelievable." A blue-haired knight says. "King Arthur, are you alright?" Another knight asks. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He replies. "Now 'Perfect Cube'." Merlin says. I sigh falling to my knees looking at Meliodas as he struggles to break free from Galand's grip. Arthur looks at me with wide eyes but says nothing. "Are you actually the same Meliodas from all those years ago?" Galand asks and then proceeds to squeeze Meliodas' neck resulting in him coughing blood.

I stare wide-eyed at Galand. "He's in trouble at this rate." The blue haired-knight said. Then the brunette ran towards Galand yelling, "Get your hands off of him right now...." "Magic Cancel!" Merlin exclaims and the girl begins growing. 'A Giant, huh?' I thought. "Apport!" Merlin exclaims once again and a brown dress with black tights appears on the giant, then a giant hammer appears in front of her and she grabs it swinging it at Galand, "You hear me!" She yells, bringing her hammer down on Galand who kicks it making the hammer slam into Giant's forehead and making her fall.

'Seems we're more outmatched than I expected.' Merlin thinks, taking in the sight in front of her. "Let's take a moment to strategies!" Merlin announces snapping her fingers and Galand disappeared leaving Meliodas to fall. "Lady Merlin! That was amazing!" Elizabeth compliments. I watch as Meliodas approaches the Giant who was bleeding from her forehead. "Diane, you alright?" He asks, Diane gasps in response. "Looks like Galand vanished!" Arthur points out. "That was big sister's teleportation." The blue-haired knight says. "Actually, Merlin had nothing to do with this, Galand left miles beyond the range of her power. I doubt he went to the Commandments so stay alert." I inform. Just then Galand appeared behind Merlin.

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