~Chapter 11~

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I'm continuing this book in third person's POV.

The group walks out of the hole while the contestants stare at them. "Matrona! Yoohoo!" Diane calls to the blonde giant. "You made it out of there?" Matrona asks, and Diane chuckles. "Sir Meliodas! Lady Lillian!" Hendrickson runs over to them. "Yo! Sorry, we kept you waiting." Meliodas tells him. "Elaine!" Ban calls to the blonde girl floating beside the wingless fairy, both of which were staring up at the Commandments. "Meliodas." Lillian turns to the blonde. "Hmm?" Meliodas turns to her. Lillian motions to her brother and Meliodas nods. "I understand. We'll meet up after this." Meliodas tells her. "Okay." Lillian nods. "Big brother!" She beams flying up to Gloxinia. "Lily." Gloxinia turns to his sister. "Are you hurt? I shouldn't have let Galand take you." Gloxinia says, checking to see if she has any injuries. "I'm fine." Lillian tells him. 

"Where'd you get that outfit?" Drole asks. "I got it from the Druids." Lillian shares. Gloxinia stares at her confused. "Long story." She tells him. "You'll tell us later." Gloxinia pats her head. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this ultimate time killer. No, I mean, the Great Fighting Festival! But before we get things underway, we'll need to prepare the arena." Gloxinia tells the contestants. "All right, Drole. Are you ready?"  He asks the Giant. Drole does some hand signs and  claps his hands. "Gigant Gauntlet!" A pair of hands made of stone emerge from the ground causing Elizabeth and Hawk to scream. "What's this about?" Lillian asks her brother. "It was to lure... I mean it's just to kill time." Gloxinia corrects himself, not wanting to tell his sister the plan. "Sure..." Lillian nods not convinced. "And the wish granting? You can't grant wishes." She reminds him. 

"Yes, well, you can and I know how much you love helping the other races." Gloxinia answers. "Hm." Lillian hums, she holds her hand out and a butterfly lands on it. "To whomever gets this message, I hope you've been taking care of the Fairy Kings Forest." She tells the butterfly and sends it to her homeland. "Fantastic! This is where each one of you will be doing battle. Since it's time to get started, I'll be cutting off the others now. I just need to wipe out those little worms that are still lurking in the maze." Gloxinia says and his Emerald Octo unwraps itself from around him. "No way! The magical power coming off that monster is definitely from the Fairy race! Not only that, it's unbelievably strong! And Queen Lillian called him big brother... Is this..." King trails off. "Spirit Spear Basquias, ninth configuration! Death Thorn!" Vines with thorns shoot out from behind Gloxinia and into the maze. "Gloxinia, no!" Lillian shouts, grabbing his hand to stop him.

"Don't hurt them!" She tells him. "They're very fragile." Starlight which was lily petals around her swirled around her, blowing through her hair leaving Meliodas in a trance and flying into the maze leading everyone out. "Humans now aren't as durable as before you know." She tells him with a smile. "Death Thorn comes from the sharp spikes that grow at the very top of the Sacred Tree, and destroy any threats Sunflowers alone can't handle." King shares, flying up to them. "Hold on. Basquias is the spirit spear that's bestowed upon the first one who's chosen by the Sacred Tree!" He notes. "But how? It's impossible. First Fairy King Gloxinia?" King asks. "That's a name I haven't heard in ages. I'm with the Ten Commandments now, called Gloxinia of Repose." Gloxinia tells him. "I thought you were defeated by the Demon King. Weren't you taken down during the battle 3,000 years ago?" King asks and Gloxinia turns to him. 

"Are you from the Fairy race, too?" He asks. "Just answer my questions!" King insists. "What you need to do is win this competition. Then, if you wish for it, I'll tell you whatever you want." Gloxinia tells him. King looks at Lillian and the female nods, so he goes back down to where he was. "Now, it's about time for us to get the Great Fighting Festival started! Alright, Taizoo, you're up next!" Gloxinia addresses someone and a Human steps out from behind Drole. "Y...yes, sir!" He says. "Uh? What's he doing here?" Meliodas asks. "This might be fun. Only reason I'm even here is to deliver some of Escanor's booze. Maybe I'll give this a shot, too." Ban says. "Welcome! All you savages hungry for a fight? The opening bout will be a two-man tag match! Are you ready?" Taizoo asks, but everyone stays silent. "Oh, man. Tough crowd." He says. "Now, then!" "Wait just a moment!" Someone shouts. Gowther jumps out from the maze and onto a scrawny man. 

"Because Gowther has arrived!" The pink-haired doll announces. "Gowther? That sounds familiar." Drole says. "I never realized that." Lillian says, looking down at Gowther. "Excuse me. Would you mind moving your foot?" The scrawny man asks Gowther. "Huh?" Gowther hops off the man. "Oh, whoops, forgive me." He apologizes. "It seems my calculations for where to land were slightly off." He says. "Oh, well, I'm told I don't have much of a presence anyway. So, it's alright." The scrawny man tells him and his glasses breaks. "That vocal tone. Bone frame, diction... Hold on. Escanor. It's been a while." Gowther greets the man who screams. "That's really the Lion Sin, Sir Escanor?" Elizabeth asks. "Yeah, I know what you're thinking." Meliodas replies. "Oh, no! I've broken the precious glasses I received from Ms. Merlin!" Escanor cries. "Without them, I'm... I'm..." Escanor screams. "Enough of you." Gloxinia says, stabbing Escanor with Death Thorn. "Gloxinia, why?" Lillian asks, staring at her brother with wide eyes. 

"Escanor!" Meliodas shouts running to him with Ban. "How are we ever supposed to get this going with all these interruptions?" Gloxinia asks. Lillian glares at him and flies down to Escanor. "I haven't told her yet... Miss... Merlin... No. Not now... I can't die. I wish to live." Escanor mumbles. "Ask and you shall receive." Lillian tells him floating over to him. "You poor gentle soul. You had so much ahead of you." Lillian clasps her hands together and three orbs made of light float around her. "Your wish was to live so I'll grant it to you." She holds a hand out and an orb flies over to Escanor and lands on him healing him. "Normally, I would chant a spell but this will work." Lillian smiles at Escanor, who sat up and touches his stomach where he was injured. "You're okay, now." She reassures him and everyone stares at her with wide eyes. "Wait, you're the one who grants wishes?" Ban asks, turning to Lillian. Before Lillian could reply Gloxinia's Death Thorn wraps around her waist and pulls her back up to him. "If you want a wish granted you'll have to win this fighting festival." Gloxinia tells him. 

"Let go of me." Lillian tells Gloxinia who obliges. "Now where were we, Drole? Please divide them up into groups." Gloxinia tells the Giant. "Two people per team, right?" Drole asks, raising his hands. "Dividing Board Spell!" Drole claps his hands and the ground collapses and everyone is placed on their respective platforms. "Those standing on the same floating stone now are comrades-in-arms chosen by fate. Trust each other with your lives and fight with everything you've got!" Drole explains. Lillian looks at the platforms and sees Hawk struggling to hold on so she uses her lilies to lift him onto the platform. "Comrades? Don't you mean teammates?" Meliodas asks. "Yo, Captain! What do you say we kick a little butt?" Ban asks, reaching his hand out. "Yeah!" Meliodas agrees, smacking his hand. "You're gonna drag a child into this?" Hendrickson asks. "Gloxinia, seriously?" Lillian turns to her brother who looks away. "You guys might as well join in on this, too." He tells the blue Demons. 

"Wait... If we just had one more group, then that would bring the total up to 16, now wouldn't it?" Gloxinia asks. "Let's bring out our substitutes." Gloxinia creates a dirt doll which look like Drole and a flower doll which looked like... Lillian gasps, recognizing the doll. "With our 16 teams, this tag match could officially begin! Each pair of you will find yourselves at a random arena. When another two-person team appears, they will be your first-round opponents!" Taizoo announces. "Sixteen, huh? But I could've sworn there were only 15." Meliodas points out. Elizabeth shrieks causing Meliodas, Ban and Lillian to turn in her direction and see her along with the blonde girl from earlier on a platform together. "Elizabeth!" Meliodas calls. "Elaine!" Ban calls. 


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