~Chapter 5~

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Third Person's Pov

Everyone except Lillian and Hawk went inside the tavern. "We're counting on you, Mom!" Hawk yells, while Lillian hugs her guardian and looks at the road ahead. Meliodas and Elizabeth stand near a window looking at the two, "Please wait for us Diane, we'll find you no matter what it takes." Elizabeth says to herself. "But still, 300 miles is a lot of ground to cover." Meliodas tells everyone. "Yeah, I'm glad we're moving fast but... hey Merlin, tell me is there any way you could use teleportation? Cause I'm really worried about Diane." King asks the mage. "Unfortunately, for right now it's all I can do to keep my soul contained in Aldan. Sorry about this King." Said mage explains. "All right." He says, looking down at the table, he then looks up at Gowther furrowing his eyebrows and gritting his teeth while Gowther just stares at him with a blank face.

"Not only that but I'd like to keep a reserve of my magical power for emergencies." Merlin explains as her hologram appears, breaking the stare between King and Gowther. "What do you mean by that?" King asks. She brings up two maps, one in front of Meliodas and Elizabeth and the other in front of King. They look at the map seeing a glowing white dot. "In the direction Diane's heading, from the ruins of Edinburgh Castle along the way, I'm picking up waves of monstrous evil." Merlin explains, causing King's eyes to widen and Meliodas to have a serious face.

With the Commandments

"You're saying you killed Meliodas and lost Lillian?" Dreyfus/Fraudrin asked Galand. "You lost my sister?" Gloxinia asks, glaring at the armored Demon. "That's right and I also got rid of those pesky gnats in his group the whole thing was really disappointing, how could the heretic who once struck terror into the heart of the demon race meet such an end! Also about Lillian, a stupid mage sealed her inside a perfect cube." "Is this true Galand? It seems rather hard to believe you could bring him down so easily." Fraudrin asks once again. "Are you doubting me? So you don't trust what Galand of Truth is telling you?" Galand asks kinda offended. "No, I'm well aware of your powers, I'm just a bit surprised." Fraudrin defends. Galand then looks to the left before standing, "Are you going somewhere again?" Gloxinia asks. "Just a little walk, it's not in me to sit still like the rest of you." Galand replies and left.

Back with Meliodas

Lillian fell asleep on her guardian's back beside Hawk who was on his mom's back outside the tavern. Suddenly Meliodas runs outside shouting, "Hawk's mom stop for a second!" This wakes up Hawk and Lillian who holds onto her guardian for dear life as she was jerked forward, Hawk who had nothing to hold onto grazes his nose on his mom's back causing it to turn red. Hawk glares at Meliodas yelling, "Give me a little warning next time, huh!" King comes outside looking at Meliodas. "What's going on captain? Let's get moving-" He asks. Lillian who was still half asleep looks at Meliodas "Are you ok, Mel-" She asks him. They both freeze and look off into the distance.

"Woah, I'm sensing three powerful auras." King states the obvious. "It's two of the Ten Commandments and somebody else. I don't know who but they're fighting." Meliodas explains. "On the Ten Commandments' side, you have-" He starts but is cut off. "Monspeet and Galand!..But who is that other person?" Lillian asks herself now fully awake. She then clasps her hands together, "I hope they're ok." Meliodas, Hawk, and King look at her. Everyone except Gowther comes outside to see what was happening. Lillian walks towards Meliodas but froze feeling someone watching them. She looks back with wide eyes "M-Monspeet?" She asks quietly.

"A mass of devastating power is headed towards us." King says. "HUH?!" Hawk shouts. "ETA, ten seconds." Gowther says from inside the tavern. Meliodas runs onto Hawk's mom's snout yelling at her to change direction which didn't work since the attack switches course and continues heading to them. "Something's coming!" Hawk yells, they look left only to see 'Hellfire Bird' Meliodas huffs saying, "This attack is to see if it's really me out here. If I use 'Full Counter' they'll know for sure that I'm still alive also my exact location. I don't want to but there's no other way out of this." Meliodas yells.

Lillian's Pov

I look at Meliodas as he speaks to himself I hum preparing to use 'Huma' but Hawk's mom changes directions throwing me off. "Mom stop!" Hawk yells, he then proceeds to jump onto Meliodas' head. "Hey Hawk! I can't stop this thing so get off me!" Meliodas yells at the pig I got distracted by them and didn't realize the bird had gotten close until it was too late. I tried going using 'Huma' again but Hawk's mom swallows the bird. Everyone stands there dumbfounded by what just happened. "HUH?!" I shout.

After that, we continues going to our desired location. "Oh man, it was almost whole roasted pig time for me." Hawk says as I sat on Meliodas' shoulder. "Pretty impressive Hawk's mom. Can't believe you swallowed all that magical power in one gulp!" Meliodas exclaims. "It's not just impressive, it's unbelievable." Harlequin says. "Hawk's mom, your stomach isn't upset, right?" Elizabeth asks to which the giant pig grunts in response. 'Goddess her voice is annoying.' I think as I looked at her. "Captain listen." Merlin starts causing us to look at her. "I advise that we change direction."

"Hold on Merlin, that wasn't the plan. If you don't wanna look for Diane, then I'm going off on my own!" Harlequin yells anxiously. "Now hold on King, I understand how you feel but you need to calm down. Diane's presence has faded. Along with the one who was confronting the Ten Commandments. This happened right before we were attacked. Most likely they're both safe. But if we were to head in and approach them now. I'm afraid we'd be putting Diane and the person helping her in danger." Merlin explains.

Harlequin looks sad so Meliodas places his hand on his shoulder. "We're definitely gonna rescue Diane. All of us together, ok?" Meliodas reassures him. "Captain..." Harlequin mumbles. "So, I guess the change in direction means that you have somewhere else in mind, Merlin?" Meliodas asks her. "Right now, our top priority is to power up so we can fight the Ten Commandments. And to make that happen-" Merlin gets cut off by Hawk. "We'll have a meal, right?" Hawk asks. "I'm going to give back the power I stole from you, Captain." Merlin reveals causing everyone to gasp and Meliodas to look down. "Big sister stole it?" Slader asks himself. "I don't understand, what power?" Elizabeth asks. "I'm so lost." Hawk says causing me to giggle. "I took a percentage of the captain's power because it was too overwhelming and dangerous." Merlin says, causing everyone except me to gasp again.

"Yes that's right, that's why the captain always keeps his emotions in check so his powers wouldn't run rampant." Merlin keeps on explaining. "You mean like, the same way I'm exerting myself when I transform like this?" Harlequin asks as he transforms into his human form. "But on a whole other level!" Hawk exclaims, King transforms back blushing in embarrassment. "But still, it's not like he hasn't gone berserk before, right? What's up with that?" Hawk asks. "Those times? In terms of his true power, those were merely the dregs." Merlin explains to us. "Merely the dregs, she said." Hawk mocks Meliodas. "Laugh it up pork ball." Meliodas tells him.

"Ten years ago amidst the drama of our exile. When a certain young girl was seriously injured while trying to help us the captain started to lose control. So everyone's safety the moment he let his guard down I separated his strength from him." Merlin explains. Knowing who that girl was I went into the tavern not wanting to hear anymore. "I can't believe that happened." Harlequin says. "Oh yeah, you're right I completely forgot about that." Meliodas says, watching me walk away. "We're going to need that power back in order to battle the Ten Commandments." Merlin tells him. "Makes sense. Ok, so where is it now ?" He asks the mage. Merlin teleports a map in front of him. "The location isn't that far from here. It's the holy land of the druids Istar." She says.

" She says

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