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"But mum!" 

The door slammed shut as he entered the quiet room. The loud sound bounced around the unsurprisingly (as if almost abandoned) empty apartment. Well it could be actually. What with the owner not being around always and the empty refrigerator just seems to scream so itself. Abandoned

It was quite a shock that he was here in the first place. At least at this time of the day of course. He usually spends his time when not in a famous one, then down at the nearest pub or to where his so called 'friends' would take him to, dancing and drinking and you know those sort of things that average and popular teenagers do.

Maybe he wanted to be one of them that's why he's doing all the things that he's doing or have done. But nobody's really aware as of why or when it started. It just seemed to pop out from nowhere and the next thing everyone knew, he was always out every night partying to somewhere exclusive or to somewhere he hadn't gone yet.

He has been like this for months now and no one seems to know the real reason behind it all. And without another thought, the people who are most affected by his actions are his fans, his bandmates and of course his family.

It was eerily odd especially for someone whose life is controlled by people (*cough* management *cough*) and he finds it hard to make his own decisions and needing them to agree with it. It was just frustating.

He was fine with it in the first meetup of course. He was very understanding and he knew very well why they needed to take part of their fame. He didn't show any hint of annoyance or negativity at all. But lately things have gotten very different and management have become more strict about their decisions and they have become more manipulative of the boys.

And that drived him insane to the point when he actually snapped. He doesn't need approval from anyone with his choices in his life?! It's his life! So why can't he, right? He's 19 for goodness sake! He can do anything he wants anytime he wants it. And no one can tell him otherwise.

He was drunk on the night he received the text from his mum (surprised surprise) and maybe that's why he didn't give a care about it and continued to enjoy the rest of his night. But when he went home from a girl's house whose name he can't even remember the next morning, he absolutely did not foresee any of that.

"No buts Harry, you are going." his mother bluntly said on the other line. Behind the furious voice of his mum, he can tell behind those words that she was disappointed and devastated. His heart sank hearing her speak like that. And the worse part was, he had caused it.

"You've changed Harry and... and such actions are not acceptable to me and to the people around you." there was a short period of silence then her mum began to speak again. "The lads... oh god the lads are worried sick thinking about you. Zayn and Liam said that they tried to talk to you and approach you a bunch of times but you kept shutting them out."

It was true. He didn't speak to neither one of them about his current situation. It's not that he didn't want to he just did not want them to take his blame. He was the one who started it and he didn't want any of them to be scolded and hated by everyone (including management) because of him. He just couldn't live with that.

He could hear Anne letting out a shaky breath before she continued speaking. "W-what... happened Harry?"

There was a mix of worry and sadness in her voice which made the pit of his stomach clench with guilt. He was the one who did this to her. He was the one who had caused all the troubles that he was undergoing. She didn't do anything but guide her son on the right path (wherever that path maybe and to wherever it leads him he doesn't know). How selfish was he to not see that? And what did change?

His emotions had ranged from anger to guilt in the space of a few seconds. He was screwed. He was absolutely and utterly screwed.

"I don't know mum. It's just complicated." he sighed, breathing in and out to calm his nerves down. He ran his fingers along his unruly curls then slouched on the sofa, awaiting her mother's response.

"Then you leave me no choice Harry. You are going and that's final." then the line went dead. He couldn't believe his mum hang up on him. Well, he really did need to fix the damage he had done. And apparently for him, this was the way. And maybe unfortunately, the only way.

He sighed again then stood up and made his way to his once organized kitchen. He put the kettle on and boiled some water for a lovely steaming cup of tea. Before any of these happened, this used to be the thing he does when he's upset or while he's agonizing over his own problems that no one else but him knew about. A cuppa can't bring him down, unlike people.

He leaned against the counter, carefully shutting his eyes. He tried to empty his mind with all the thoughts that kept his brain messy and unorganized, leaving him with one. He opened his eyes and inhaled deeply.

Looks like he was going to leave his apartment for awhile to a place he hasn't even set foot yet and he already felt a whole lot of hatredness towards to. Maybe because it will be the place where he will be apart from his friends and his dreams and the things that he wanted to do and he just hated it. But he knows that he should never leave a fire unresolved. What has to be done must be done, whatever it takes. Even if that meant he has to go somewhere faraway from his home.

The next few months will definitely be and without a doubt, a disaster.

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