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Dean drives us at a motel out of Kansas and we walk inside. We get a room and walk there. Like it was obvious it has only two beds. How weird? We all leave your stuff at the corner. Sam lays on the bed, Dean and I sit at our bed. I groan as I sit down.

"Give me the bag from there" I say to Dean and he gives me the bag.

"What are you searching for?" Dean asks me and Sam sits up at the bed.

"Bandages" I simply say. "Got it" I leave the bag down on the floor and leave the bandage next to me.

"Does it hurt?" Sam asks me.

"I mean I got shot" I say as I untie the bandage from my knee. "And you can also see the blood from the outside of the bandage so you understand" when I untie the bandage and throw it on the floor, Dean and Sam look in disgust. "You can simply look away" I say and look up to them. "Or otherwise I will go inside".

"No no. It's okay" Sam says immediately.

"Then wipe the disgust from your faces" I say as I tie the clean bandage around my knee.

When I'm done I grab the bandage from the floor and go to the bathroom to throw it away. I wash my hands as I have blood on them (on my hands) and while I'm doing so I see Dean leaning against the door frame.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you okay?" he asks me and I look at him but then I look at my hands as I wash them.

"Why wouldn't I?".

"You know damn well why wouldn't you".

"Dean, just forget everything that you saw. Alright? I'm not in mood for a lesson".

"I don't want to teach you something, Yn. I just asked how you are. If you are okay".

"I'm fine. I always am".

"Yeah. Sure".

"If you don't like that answer, get the fuck out of here".

"You won't change anything by hiding the truth".

"I'm not hiding the truth. I'm protecting myself".

"From us?".

"From everybody".

"Just show your real self".

"I don't want to get fucking hurt, Dean. Okay? I can't go through that again" I close the water and dry my hands. Then I look at him. "And if you came here so you can simply be sure that I won't cut myself, you didn't have to. I wouldn't do it with the door open" I walk past him and enter the room again.

I lay at the bed and then I see him walking towards me. He lays down at the bed too and turns the light off. We all remain in silence until Sam decides to talk.

"Yn?" he asks me (Sam).

"Yeah" I say as I close my eyes.

"Now is the time to ask how you are feeling?".

"After our last job?".


"I don't know. Everything's like before".


"Why do you ask?".

"Just curious. What about you, Dean?".

"Normal" Dean answers him (answers Sam).

"Alright then. Goodnight" Sam says.

"Goodnight" Dean and I say to him (to Sam). The moment that we stop talking my phone buzzes.

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