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We all are in our motel room when my phone rings. Sam was searching something at the laptop while Dean was trying to reach our father. I immediately answer the call.

"Yn Winchester. How can I help you?".

"Yn, it's Peter".

"I'm listening".

"We have a big kind of problem?".



"I'm listening".

"Remember ... John?".

"John?" Sam and Dean look at me but I shake my head and I look out of the window.

"The umm ... The man that had inserted in you drugs?".

"Yeah. I umm ... I remember. Isn't he in jail?".

"That's the problem actually. Somehow he managed to escape and now we are searching for him. Actually we know where he is but we need a little bit of help. A lot of help actually".

"You need me there?".

"Yes" I let out a sigh. "Listen. I know that you are with your brothers on a road trip searching for a family member but I wouldn't ask you to come back here if it wasn't something serious. You know that".

"Let me see the hours od the buses and I'll call you right back".

"Thank you so much".

We both hang up the phone and I stabilize myself at the window. When I fully remember John, I take my phone again and check the busses that are going back home. There's one in an hours.

"I have to go back. Hopefully for a few days and no more" I say as I turn around. "There is a bus that is leaving in an hour. I can catch up with it".

"What's going on?" Sam asks me.

"An old case. A man escaped prison and now we are searching for him".

"John?" Dean asks.

"Not our father John. This John is a lot younger and better with his children" they both kind of nod. "I really have to go back".

"I'll drive you at the station" Dean says and I nod.

"Can you take over from here?".

"Seriously?" they both say and I softly smile.

"We have less than an hour now. Get ready" Sam tells me and I nod.

I immediately get my stuff ready and then we all exit the room. We enter Dean's car and he drives us at the bus station. I take my ticket and we wait for a few minutes. Them the bus comes.

"Stay safe, guys" I tell them.

"Don't get killed" they both say.

"I can't promise you that but I'll try".

I get in the bus and take my seat. When the bus begins, I see Sam and Dean entering the car and driving away. I call Peter and he answers on the fifth ring.


"I'm on my way back. I'll be there in 3 hours. Possible 4".

"Okay. Come straight to your old house".


"Because he killed someone there".

"Are we sure that he committed the murder?".

"Hundred percent sure".

"Alright. See you there".

I hang up the phone call and place my phone down. I keep my stare out of the window trying to remain calm. John's case was a really difficult one. Now it's opened again and it's going to be harder than it was. More dangerous and difficult than it was. I can't imagine what we will come across this time. I don't want to imagine.

Skip 4 hours

I finally arrive to my destination and I look around. My old house is 3 minutes away from the bus station. I immediately start walking there as fast as possible. When I arrive, I stop at what I see. There are cop cars out of my old house and Peter is waiting anxiously. When he sees me, he rushes near me. We both hug and then we walk towards the others.

"Winchester" an officer says and I nod at him.

"I'll need information" I say.

"It was John like you already know. We have a witness. Actually we had. John appeared and shot her and then he escaped us. We don't know where he is right now" Peter explains to me.

"What about my house?" Peter and the officer look at each other.

"He left something for you" the officer says and I look confused.

"Let's go" Peter tells me.

Peter walks in front and I follow right behind him. We walk past two officers that are at the front door and they simply nod at us. We enter and I stop at my track. Peter stops too. There is a lot of blood on the floor but then I look at the wall and see what John left for me. A message.

"You sent me to jail, I'll send you to hell" I read and looked at Peter with a smirk. "He's mine" he sighs and shakes his head.

"You're crazy".

"Yeah. No shit Sherlock. I know that".

"He's dangerous".

"Our job is dangerous" he sighs.

"Fine. I can't go against the boss" I chuckle.

"That's what I like to hear" my phone rings and I check it out. "One second" I answer. "Boys?".

"Hey. Did you arrive?" Dean says.

"Yeah. I'm over the offices" Peter looks at me confused but I shake my head at him.


We talk for a few minutes and after I hang up. I take a pair of gloves and I walk around the room but suddenly I stop at my tracks.

"Peter?" I turn and look at him but he is already looking at me. "Did anyone check the basement?".

He doesn't talk. I grab my gun and walk downstairs. Peter follows right behind me with his gun. Then I see two officers following us with their guns too. I try to turn the lights on the hall on but nothing. I grab my flashlight and walk in front. I stop out of the door and take a quiet deep breath before I open the door and point my gun inside. Nothing. No one. Just blood. A head is in the middle of the table with a note inside of the mouth. I go near the table and take the note from the head's mouth. I read it and sigh.

"He wants to talk to me" I say and look at them all.

"No" Peter says immediately.

"Why the fuck not? I'll be armed".

"So is he if you forgot".

"I'm not scared to die. You know that".

"But I'm scared to lose you. So are your brothers" I just stare at him when he mentions my brothers. "You're not going".


"What's that supposed to mean?".

"I'll go armed and you all will be around us. Out of his sight".

"That could work".

"Of course it will. Let's go. Oh and guys? No matter what happens, if something happens to me, you are taking my phone. If my brothers call you will tell them that I'm on the mission. If a month passes by without me coming back then you will tell them that I'm dead. Understand?".

"Yes" they all say.

We all rush upstairs and exit my old house. I take a look at it but then I immediately take the gloves off, throw them away and walk down the road while everybody follows me. Let's see how this will end though.

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