Season 4 Episode 4 : She's Back...

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"Sloth!!" Lust said, dropping everything she was holding and jumping into the hospital bed, hugging him as tight as she possibly could. He was back. Lust didn't have to mentally worry about what she wouldn't be able to tell him anymore. It was okay. He was alive.

"Hey...calm down. My neck is still broken." Sloth said, still hugging Lust tightly. "What the fuck? How are you..." Pride asked, and Sloth threw the cover off of him. "Long story. I'll tell you later. First, where the fuck are my clothes?"

"They were soaked in...ya know...blood," Envy said, pointing to a black trash bag that was tightly double-knotted. "We uh....didn't think you'd be back," Envy said softly, and Sloth smiled. "Well, you don't have to worry anymore. Cause I'm neck still hurts though. And weirdly enough, so does my back." Sloth said, standing up out of the bed, leaving Lust to happily kick her feet on the edge.

"Well, I'd imagine so. You fell neck first from a two-story house, your spine should probably be disconnected in two." Lust said, hugging him tightly again as if what she had just said wasn't true. She was so ecstatic that he was okay. She didn't know what else to do but to hug him.

"I mean...yes. But this one feels a bit different." Sloth said, turning to look at Lust. "I don't know how to explain it. I would ask the doctor about it...but uh...I'm not paying that fucking medical bill so we should actually get out of her at this exact moment."

"I agree. I hate this fucking place. It gives me the creeps." Envy said, looking back over at Sloth. "How the hell did you get back to...this? You went from not breathing to happily talking." Lust rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms tightly around Sloth again. "Does it matter? He's back." 

"Going to have to point this out again, this still hurts." Sloth said, and Lust pulled back. "Sorry. Just happy." she said, before a loud alarm noise hit their brain, catching everyone off guard. Lust looked up, raising an eyebrow. It was the fire alarm, which was flashing above them making them all roll their eyes. "My goodness, I have to climb down like 12 flights of stairs now. We're on the top floor." Gluttony said, and everybody groaned in agreement. "At least it gives us an out, though. Let's hurry up." Pride said, opening the door for the group.

"I don't like being in here either."

"Hm. That's weird." Wrath said, sitting in the front lobby as the fire alarm was blaring. "What?" Omari asked, holding the door open for a lot of the people that were beginning to pour out. "I haven't seen any of the workers since I've been down here. At least besides the receptionist. No one is even directing the people leaving." Wrath said, standing up from his seat and cracking his neck.

"You saying that someone pulled the fire alarm? For what? To mess with the patients?" Omari asked, and Wrath just shook his head slightly. "Not to mess with the patients. To mess with me." Wrath said softly, beginning to walk down the hallway.

He didn't stop for anything, nor did he stop for anyone. Wrath hated the sound of the fire alarm. He despised it. He wouldn't call it a phobia, but it was a sound that rattled him to his core. It was the same noise that would happen over and over in that fight club, it was broken and would go off randomly throughout the day.

Those days were long, painful, and tiring. It represented everything that Wrath wanted to get away from. The same way that a certain blue might remind a sailor of the time he almost lost his life, Wrath knew this sound. There were only so many people who knew this fear.

Omari. His Ex-Wife. Himself.

And her.

He stood in front of the control room, going to open it but realizing the door was locked. Wrath thought for a few seconds, before taking a few steps back with a small smirk. "I love doing this," he said softly to himself, before slamming his shoulder into the door, knocking the door open and almost off of its hinges.

"There we go." He said, wiping some of the sawdust off of his shoulders before looking up in front of him.

There sat a woman, wearing a dark green dress and smoking a familiar blend of cigars that Wrath's nose had grown accustomed to. She wasn't even looking in his direction, instead, she sat at a table that was directly in front of the fire alarm, which was pulled down.

For a few seconds, everything in Wrath's brain told him to turn around and sprint the other way. To get as far away from this...thing as he possibly could. But he couldn't. There were too many people here that would be put in danger. Including the Sins and Sloth's lifeless body.

So there he stood, watching as she took another puff of the smoke before turning to her side with a small grin.

"Hola, Mi amor. Te ausentaste por un tiempo."

"Hello, My love. You've been gone for a while." 

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