Chapter 4 - Fate

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 At the edge of town, we met up with Saber. Together we stopped chanting and she just stood there. She was covered in blood and steam flowing from her body, a white glare replaced her black eye holes and red lightning crackling around her. She looked back at me, asking what happened next. I told her of my target's death, and she exchanged her target's death too. I nodded in approval and turned around standing on her side and looking back at David and Melena. I told them to go back into that city, and excuse themselves from this story. I told them to find somewhere quiet and start their family, rebirth Emily and reconstruct the brotherhood. I told them that both of us will finish off the cult and lay our lives down in the name of freedom, and that it was a pleasure working with them. Melena was opposed to leaving but David stepped forward and shook my hand, cherishing our friendship and reminding me that he will live to the fullest for me and my daughter. I sent him off and together they left into the town, Both Saber and I turned around and I told her of her mother's death. Saber asked where the cult was hiding, and I told her that they were hiding everywhere. And together we walked in a single direction, and thus the search for the remaining Cult members started.

Ten years later...

Emily Pov - I was searching through our attic one day, Mom wanted me to find her old clothes box from around ten years ago. I found the box but behind it was another set of items. I have been through this attic plenty of times and still I haven't seen this box before. I carried both boxes down to Mom and Dad then asked them about the strange box labeled Emergency. Mom and Dad looked in fear and then at each other, Dad asked Mom to take her clothes out to the room and then he told me to sit on the couch so he could talk with me.

Dad told me that once upon a time he had this friend, in fact he would go as far as say he had this brother. And together they fought for freedom in all things. I interrupted him and asked to hear why I haven't heard this story before. He told me that It's one he and Mom promised to never speak of because of a promise made ten years ago. Mom came back into the room wearing this white outfit with little red stripes woven in and out of the sleeves. She had these fox ears and fluffy tail. I asked why she was dressed like that, and Dad asked that I just listen for a moment.

Dad told me that Mom was not human and the last of a kind Called the Kitsune. I was about to laugh when Mom started assuring me that nothing they said were jokes and she proved this point by pulling away some of her hair and showing the ears fused with her head. I was taken back how I never noticed the ears or tail when I remembered that she always wore a hat and dresses that covered her tail.

Dad added that inside that box are tools and outfits they wore when they fought in a great big war. I opened the box and Dad asked I not touch anything yet, He leaned beside me and picked up a blade. He told me that this was a main weapon for him, it was called a wrist blade. He shared stories of a man named Project 0409 and his wife Casper. I was enthralled by the stories, it sounded like something out of a fantasy book. Mom joined in and told me that to this day Project 0409 and his daughter are roaming this earth, long after they eliminated a cult of sera, they never showed their faces again. And soon the world forgot who they were and if they even existed. I then recalled a time when my friends were talking and sharing stories of a great legend who once lived thousands of years ago. Dad reassured me that it wasn't thousands of years ago that he walked amongst humans, I asked if I would ever get to meet him since Dad claimed they were really close. But mom mentioned that Project 0409 is not ready for the modern world yet. After the longest conversation in the world, it was my bedtime. I was excited because school starts tomorrow, and I can't wait to make new friends. And so, I skipped to bed and slept until morning.

The morning was brighter than others, birds chirping, wind flowing perfectly, and the sun shining nice and bright. I raced out of the house and to school. At the front door I took a breath and greeted everyone that walked by. I was always the smartest kid in class, my dad always told me I was on a college level of learning since birth. My day remained the same for a fair amount of time, I attended my first three classes and then lunch came around. But something happened, the school alarms started blaring. Over the intercoms the principle demanded we all go into hiding and there's an active shooter on site. I was getting scared, I heard gunshots and all around me I saw bodies of children. I was stopped dead in my tracks, I was being punished for not hiding and trying to escape. The shooter glared down at me from down the hallway and blocked the exit. He pointed his gun and took a shot. But when I opened my eyes, I was out of the way of the bullet and on the ground, the shooter holding his neck that was squirting blood ferociously. I rose to my feet and looked around to see what happened and saw the bullet hole behind me. "He missed," I whispered. I walked to the shooter and looked over him from a safe distance. That's When I saw two shadows sprinting off from the exit. I burst through the door and watched the two figures dart into the trees. One of them stopped before the tree line though, turning around and observing me. I waved at the figure, and it just turned around and darted into the trees with the other figure. The Cops rushed to the scene and gathered my statement, I was delivered back to my parents, and I told them what happened. Dad told me to sit on the couch again. I did so and he and Mom left for another room. They returned several minutes later, and Mom told me that Fate was on my side today because Project 0409 is watching over me. I tried to make sense of the situation; Dad told me that I should just be grateful that I met the legend. I asked why he was there though. Although, nobody had an answer to why I was saved.

The next day school was canceled for cleanup. I sat by my window and looked out at the sky. Asking Fate to bring me a sign of Project presence again so I can thank him for saving me. All day I prayed, Nightfall struck, and I laid in bed. I was about to close my eyes when I noticed an unusual shadow in my room. When I observed it closer, I saw what it was. The shadow revealed itself as Project 0226 or Saber for short. I asked if it was the same Saber from the stories my dad told me.

She told me that she was that same Saber. She also told me that both her and Project 0409 are here to watch over her when bad things happen. I asked why Project 0409 wasn't here and she mentioned that he doesn't leave the house anymore. I recalled the time in the school, Saber told me that the second figure was her son. I then brought up a harsh question, I asked why my dad never mentioned anything about Casper other than her name. Saber went quiet and knelt down to face me at eye level. She told me that her mother died faithfully to her father. I got out of the bed and gave Saber a hug. I told her that her mother would be so proud of her right now. Saber hugged back and told me that her mother was the sweetest person she had ever met. I asked for extra details and Saber rambled back and forth about how kind and amazing her mother was, she was always there for us and all the way to her end she stayed faithful to Project 0409's beliefs. I gave my respect to Saber and asked if there's more adventures waiting for us in the future. Saber mentioned that she and her son want to restore the Ideals of Project 0409 and take his place in shepherding this city. I wished her well and she asked one more thing of me. I asked what she wanted, and she asked that I write down what happened ten years ago. In the morning I grabbed a notebook and pen then sat on the kitchen table. Dad asked what I was doing, and I told him that some dream told me to write a biography of a great man who once lived. Dad asked who that man was, and I told him that I was going to become a famous writer by telling everyone the story of Project 0409, by telling everyone about the Devil in me.

The End 

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