Chapter 43: Rouge And Lesson

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The next day Yato now could be found going over some scrolls and while doing so he is going over sending out some of the Jonin of the leaf to show that the leaf still has its man power.

Yato had let out a sigh a bit annoyed at all the paper work.

"You alright darling?" Tsunade asked Yato as he let out a sigh.

"To be honest with you, it's very annoying having all of this paperwork" Yato said as even though he easily could get through the paper work it was just another load after another.

"Well that's why you have me here darling, so let me give you a hand" Tsunade said as she had then walked over to Yato who is still in his chair then procceded to sit down in his lap then lean back against his chest.

As Tsunade had then felt as her lover wrapped his arms around her waist and then placed his chin on her shoulder and then kissed her on her neck.

"How did I get so lucky to have the sexiest woman sitting in my lap right now?" Yato said as he had began kissing on Tsunade neck which make her both moan and chuckle at the same time.

"Darling I should be the one asking, how I got so lucky sitting on the lap of  the most handsome man" Tsunade said as she had turned and had then kissed Yato on his forhead.

"Ok so what do we have?" Yato asked Tsunade as the two looked over the paper work they had.

"Well we had sent most of the Jōnin out on mission's to show that the village still has our man power, as for Rock Lee he still recovering but he should be good within a while but need to check out his recovery process, and recently a bill had came in from one of the hospitals is wanting fourteen million ryō because of some damage's to two of their water tanks" Tsunade said.

Which Yato had began whistiling which had made Tsunade look behind of her and at her lover with a raised eyebrown.

" you know what happend to the water tanks?" Tsunade asked Yato who simply gave her a nod.

"Well, both Naruto and Sasuke had gotten into a fight and ended up destroying the water tanks. Since, I was the one who watched lost of it I'll pay for the damages" Yato said as he decided not to throw either Jiraya or Kakashi under the buss.

"Ok then either than that the village still need's to go through some more repairs" Tsunade said which as then the door had opend up and then both Izumo and Koteshi had walked in with some more paper work.

"Morning there you two how are you both doing?" Yato asked the two adult ninja who both were kind of blushing at the sense as Tsunade is still sitting on her lover lap.

"W-Well Lord Hokage and Lady Tsunade w-we got some new's from Sakura Haruno who had been found knocked out on a bench and she had gave us some infromation on Sasuke Uchiha" Izumo said.

"What did she  say?" Yato asked the two grown ninja.

"She said that Sasuke Uchiha...had left the village" Koteshi said which shocked Tsunade while Yato had simply let out that of an annoyed sigh.

As Yato had then began thinking and had decdied on what to do.

"Izumo, Koteshi I need the two of you to do me a favor and go and bring me Shikamaru" Yato said as the two ninja had nooded their heads.

This leaving both Yato and Tsunade alone in the Hokage office room which was dead silent as then the blonde Senju woman had then spoken up.

"Damn that Orochimaru...not even giving us a break and recover he manages to convince Saskue to go with him...damn it what does that snake even want with Sasuke?" Tsunade questioned which Yato gave her the answear.

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