Chapter 39

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If he was hurt he didnt show it but Victoria knew something was up she often knew men that was hurting often buried themselves in sex or drinking go to to many bars and parties raid just having to much sex he was calm but way to calm especially after that night she kept asking what is wrong but he refused to talk he just kept saying he was okay that all that matters was his son but she knew that was a lie he on these long phone calls she wasn't trying to be nosy she just wanted to support her child father the best way she can
He didn't call her his wife or his baby mother or girlfriend or anything but she stood there sliently just waiting for him it wasn't until now they laying in the dark raid she beg please tell me what is wrong you didn't eat dinner tonight he looked into her eyes and said
It's over now Victoria Rebecca is going to jail she killed self dense against a guy who she once was dating before me she kill him he had came into the house without warning she killed him she notice a car was park across the street he stalking her I'm going tomorrow to visit her at jail once she transferred I can't do much but write to her
But can you blame her she defending herself yeah she claimed he tried to rape her he just wasn't prepared for her she killed him with him that other guy she turn mad
Do you feel that you played some parts in way she is now or whatever she went though made her lose herself
No I just blame myself for not protecting her the way I should
Raid you can't always protect someone they have to sometimes fight thier own battles
yes Victoria because when you love someone who don't want them to get hurt I feel I wasn't there either time she got hurt seems like every time i leave she gets hurt
Victoria couldn't say much she felt like stabb of guilt he sliently blaming her she knew he going through it
But at least she strong enough to fight both times that girl got guts she made joke to ease the air between them yes I'm be writing to her and sending packages if you don't mind if you do I'll just leave
I'm past relationships part but as son child I'll be somewhat support he depends on me now
I owe her that much to least help her out sometimes
It's okay raid as long you don't shut me out she placed his hand on her stomach he felt a kick it felt amazing
He kissed her oh sweetie your mine i can't wait to see our daughter soon I'm not shutting you out I'm grateful for you I just want to take this relationship slow with you
She nodded she understood but I'm not going anywhere he said unless you make bad meatloaf
She laughed no meatloaf over here raid just straight soul food honey I see where you get those thick thighs my mama she joked
Shit she did you good
What are we going to name her she ask but raider had fell asleep leaving her to think alone she decided to wait another day to find a name after all she had few more months to go she slowly fell asleep listening to snores of raider snoring she felt safe
They fell asleep before kids got up to find them...

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