Chapter 5

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Stay with me
Yeah he said his mouth feeling like cotton he lifted his head up from the table he was waiting for someone to greet him it only like 10 minutes he somehow fell asleep or doze off for quick second he decided to lay his head he laying his head down on the table since it was busy morning in the diner he wasn't in no rush or nothing but he noticed
It was same girl as before except this time she standing in waitress uniform he didnt know she worked as waitress at lucky diner he came here few times beforehand but he still new to the town never seen her , remembered meeting her at airport in sense Even though been 10 months since his wife passed away he thought she looked sexy and young but still mature probably late 20s early 30s
She clear her throat trying to get his attention she wearing red lipstick kinda like Snow White black hair eyebrows looked professionally done with her eyelashes extensions on she looked like she hair dye her hair black didnt look prude just polite or over done but sexy Are you drunk again? She ask remembering that night she met him at airport um no he said I'm just exhausted from last night he still all sore from the night before. Work was hell
She let out small chuckle I can tell you must had quite a night u got some drool on side of your face. He begin wiping his face feeling embarrassed he grab random napkin off the table sorry about that..
that okay so what can I get you today ?
Some beer be okay he said out loud not meaning to , no she she subjects it's kinda still early 
But it's Friday he tease he smiled joking he was bad talking to females it's been to long ,,,I'm just kidding ya .... So what do u recommend ???for headache. Mia got a special going on today but I got you on the coffee or water and whatever you went though last night you probably can use some breakfast
They was at bar / diner place it's was small town so lucky diner was quite popular spot where you see people do both drinking and eating I guess if you say so I can use some scramble eggs and pancakes he said joking is Mia back there yes she said bright and early Mia is owner she makes best food in the restaurant or town I'll let her know you said hi after she wrote down what he wanted she walked off just before grabbing random untidy dishes off the table just above him well he waited for his meal he began to look at his phone to call someone a guy answered he been working with last month or so so he can track someone whereabouts
He often call this person if this person call him on details of this person he keeping track off so far no new information about his whereabouts he let off a sigh just as Sasha was coming back to table with tray full of stuff in her hands there she said just like u want it pancakes scrambled eggs and coffee thank you he said she walked off just before offering if he needed anything to let her know before rushing to help another customer family that entering busy diner all suddenly a another lady dressed all fancy like Barbie doll photo shoot rich like came bursting though door to diner she had baby carrier there you are she said illl been calling you all night why haven't you answered to any of my calls mom Sasha said I'm at work why is my son here that what I been trying to call you about I can't watch him I thought I could but something came up I need to do out of town you know with your aunt  at hospital
She mad at her mom she couldn't watch her own son or grandson she not grandma that stood home babysitting no she's always on go some fancy event or cruises or business trips never seem made time for them ever since Sasha move back she noticed her mom always made excuses watching her son or grandson it only one night she made sure not to do this again.
"So how iam supposed to work who going to watch him I don't leave until 9pm she placed the baby carrier right on table above raider was sitting trying to enjoy his coffee in peace or alone but that wasn't happening he spit out his coffee not directly at them more on himself all over his lap you have a baby? The mom and her  looked over to him umm yes she said mom phone begin to ring cutting off her daughter conversation well sweetie I'm sorry maybe next time u You answer your phone when I call I see what I can do in meantime time try to see if they let you off early highly doubt that she just started her shift at 10:30 coming from another job she was exhausted she trying to save up money to move into her new apartment no forget it that I ask you to watch him she walk out the door of diner after her mom having disagreement raider got up started looking over to 2 months old that surprisely sleeping peacefully he took him out carrier not knowing why maybe because his wife just about to make him a dad she was pregnant well she got kill he cuddle him he still sleeping making coocing noises oh dear she said I hope he not brother you oh no he said I have an idea he said maybe I can I watch him while you work what no she said I don't want to trouble u maybe I just leave. She said no he said u need this job right ? Um yes but I don't have a babysitter she wasn't sure if he kipnap kids or horrible person Mia  came out the kitchen and shouted over handful dishes she had in her hands let him take him sweetie I'm short on people I know him myself for years he and hes my daughter ex husband is good people she said over the counter besides he said it's my day off how hard it is take care 2 month old ? Thanks !!! he lived on other side of town but Mia the owner was always close friend of his and his family she moved to this town open shop it was her that told him to come stay in her law house Sasha looked scared not sure to trust him a stranger at that Mia came over here my number she gave to Sasha he be okay raider lives in my in law house for now only places it's scary it's my two Frenchies they don't bite right raider ? No he said they was annoying but cute ??? loveable im heading to house now okay here's the keys to my house she handed him spare keys he always forget to take with him when he was outside okay thanks u sir I can help put my baby in the car yes u go do that I finished up breakfast orders
There lines of people at counter they both hurried to raider car now are u sure u be okay watching him?
Yeah I'm okay I'm off today I keep in touch with u and Mia and you off at 9pm? Yes she said okay bye sweetie she kissed her kid just one more time before strapping him in car seat and talking him even though he was 2 months to young to say a word raider wave to her started car and begin to drive off she hoped she could trust him she hurried inside to go back to work.

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