
401 26 1

August 10, 8:30am

📍Pool Party - The Guest House 


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My head pounds as I start to wake up from my slumber. How much did I drink last night?

Sitting up on the bed I hear some light snoring besides me, I turn to see Khadijah sleeping peacefully. I admire how relax she looks with one hand holding the comforter and the other gently rubbing up on the soft pillow. Staring at her all the memories from last night start to come to play. 

Last night was just... Wow.

 Shi did always bad pan pon cocky yuh know. The way how she kissed me with some much passion was crazy. Her lips felt so soft and plump against mines, it was like our first kiss all over  again. It felt like all the feelings that were dormant came back to life when we kissed. Her body looked so different naked, the tattoos she has compliments her body perfectly. From the roses just above pussy to the small trident behind her ear. 

The sex was just amazing to say the least. The way how she moaned my name after every stroke, it always did something to me. The way she streamed her nails down my back I was positively sure that it left some scars but I didn't mind. The way how she would grip me when I stroked her g-spot unexpectedly. Her facial expressions drove me crazy, the way how her eyes would roll back when I rubbed her clit it felt it was drawing me into her more. 

Bringing myself out of my thoughts I get out of the bed quietly and went downstairs to the kitchen. As I was about to walk through the door I saw her phone on the ground, taking it up I seeing the battery percentage low I went to put it to charge and continue my way downstairs. Hearing the commotion from in the stairwell I go down the stairs only to see the dawgs bickering about the football match on the television. 

"Mawning." I tell everyone and the respond by hailing me while they are engross in the match. Seeing that breakfast was already done I start to grab some for Khadijah and I to eat. After setting out the breakfast I cover it down on the counter and went to watch some of the match. "Yo Alka yuh enjoy di party?" Gego asks me not taking his eyes off the television screen. 

Shit the party that I was barely at because I was busy partaking in ungodly activities. "Yea it did gud man." I lied to him. " You should do more parties more often." I continue to tell him so he wouldn't pick up on my lie. " Yea man." he responds looking at me smirking knowingly. 

Him like him know wah gwan 

I check the clock on the wall 9:50am she should be up by now. I went back to the kitchen picked up the breakfast tray and headed upstairs to the room Khadijah was in. Standing at the doorway looking at her as she looks for something on the bed. 

"Hey" I say to her making my presents known. "Wah yuh a look fa?" I ask her as I put the breakfast tray on the dresser. " My phone have you seen it?" she asks me while attempting to get up from the bed but fails miserably.  I smile at her and she playfully rolls her eyes in return as she sits back down on the bed. " Yea mi put it to charge ova deh suh." I tell her and point to where her phone was charging. "I also brought breakfast for us." I tell her and rest the tray on the bed as I get in beside her to eat.

After we ate the breakfast she went  to the bathroom I guess to freshen up herself.  I started to get dress when I heard her voice. 

"Alka?" she called out to me from the bathroom. " Yea?" I answer her as I walk to the bathroom door pushing it open slightly so I can hear her. " I don't have anything to wear." she says with a little pout on her face. " Alright I think I have some clothes in the car I'll go get them and fawud back." 

Giving her the vest and the short pants I found in the car, we were both in the room ensuring we had everything we brought. " Omg to walk down there now is going to be embarrassing, the men down there are basically going to know what we did up there...omg what if they heard us?" she says as continues to go on her little rant. 

"Dem man dem deven care bout we or what we did. So you a stress out yourself for nothing." I tell her as I walk down the stairs leaving her to catch up to me.  When I get into the walkway downstairs I feel her presence behind me.  At least she's come to her senses

" Yea dawgs mi ago cut now." I tell them. " Alright get in good." they say to me and continue to watch the football interview. Gego looks at me shortly then directed his eyes to Khadijah and then shakes his head at me. I laugh at him before looking at Khadijah who is rolling her eyes at both of us before walking outside.

"You still live at your parents?" I ask her as I start up the car giving it time to warm up. " No I moved up Cherry Gardens." she tells me then puts her address into the GPS. The car ride to her house was very quiet, I tried to start up some conversation but she was just giving me dry answer or sometimes wouldn't even answer.  I guess she was still trying to wrap her head around everything that happened last night.

Stopping at her front gate, she was about to get out the car but I locked the doors on her. "Earlan open the door and stop playing." she tells me looking all serious. " No yuh nah lef until mi get yuh number." I tell her as I light my spliff and stare at her. " Ughh fine give me your phone." she says as she extends her hand towards me. After putting in her phone number.. I glanced at it confirming me suspicions. 

She really changed her phone number on me. 

"Also this Saturday be ready for 9:00 pm I'm taking you somewhere." I tell her and she just stares at me before respond. " Okay can you open the doors now?" she ask getting and attitude. " No not yet gimme a kiss first." I tell her as I smirk at her wickedly.

She leans in to kiss me cheek but I quickly grabbed her neck and kiss her deeply inserting my tongue in her mouth. After what seemed like a couple minutes I let her go licking my lips while she sits there flustered and in shock. I unlocked the doors "Thank you for taking me home." she tells me and I nod at her. She closes the door and I watch her to make sure she gets inside before I start the car and drive away. 


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