Chapter 5 - The Proposal

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She texted me! Oh my god, she actually texted me! Ahh! But how do I respond? I can't say something stupid. It's Willow, for god's sake! I can't mess this up, this is my one chance at another relationship with her. So I went with the tried, the true...


Oh my god that was so stupid. Just hi?! Not even a 'yeah'?! Just hi. What the hell was I thinking?! I'm a total idiot.

'and yeah it's terrence'

Phew. Hopefully it wasn't too dumb. Then I saw something that was, as expected as it was, suprising.




She was actually typing back! I grabbed a pen from my nightstand and chewed it nervously, awaiting her answer. Then the doorbell rang. OF COURSE IT DID! At the worst possible time, the doorbell rings. I went downstairs and was greeted by...

Oh shit. SHIT!!! I forgot about my girlfriend!

It was my girlfriend, Bonnie. I had been with her for a while. She was cute and all, but I really only dated her for publicity. Sad, I know. She was a huge name in the music producing buisness, and basically gets me half of my venues, so I kinda need her around.

'Sorry baby... I was kind of busy.' I chuckled nervously and turned away from the door.

She reached up and kissed my cheek. Obviously without consent.

'It's okay, Terr. You go do what you need to do, I can wait here all night.' She said, smiling.

Great. It must've been something important, especially for her to show up without texting or calling me first. I just went upstairs and checked my phone, letting out a big sigh as soon as I sat down. Bonnie could wait until me and Willow were finished. I read the text she sent me.

'I've got to go for tonight, I'll text you in the morning. Bye my love<3'

I gushed over the text. She called me her love! WITH A HEART!! She used to flirt with me like this all the time back in middle school, but it took me so long to realise she was actually flirting. She was so hot, I wanted her to be all mine again. But alas, Bonnie was downstairs waiting for me. I couldn't break up with Bonnie or my whole carreer would be ruined, along with my band's.

Taylor Keaton Record Company helped me and my band get a jumpstart on our carreers, and Bonnie is the daughter of Taylor Keaton, so she owns the company. Breaking up with Bonnie would mean I wouldn't get deals from her anymore, and I'd have no one to record my songs. I could always record them myself, but I'd have to spend a lot of money on good recording equipement.

Bonnie has threatened me with us breaking up before, too. She's always been the type to take a violent approach. She's not very good girlfriend material. If I broke up with her, she'd spread fake news about me and the band all over the media. I'm trying to get her to break up with me instead to hopefully avoid that.

I walked downstairs and Bonnie was sitting on my couch, waiting for me.

'Terrence! There you are! I have a question for you.' Bonnie said, hopping up from the couch and walking up to me. She had one hand behind her back.

'Ugh, can't it wait, Bonnie? It's like... 2am. I'm not in the mood for answering any questions right now.' I sighed.

She looked at me, clearly annoyed.

'It's super important, and I've already got everything all ready.'

She reached up again and kissed my cheeck. Ugh, I hated this.

I met Bonnie at a coffee shop in Boston, when she ran up to me and begged me for my autograph. I took her number and we texted on and off for a couple of months. I mean, Bonnie WAS hot. She had the looks and an amazing smile, it was just her personality that did it. Her personality was... Terrible, to say the least.

She lead me outside my house where a TON of paprazzi was waiting for me. Bonnie held my hands, which made me sick to my stomach. Why was she doing this? What did she have planned? I just wanted to go back inside and relax.

Bonnie pulled me closer and whispered 'Everyone's watching us, Terrence. If you screw this up, you'll lose my buisness. So just be good and answer my question the right way and no one has to get hurt. Got it?'

I felt nervous. I didn't know what the hell she was gonna ask me, or if I would say the right answer. I gulped and tried to look her in the eyes.

Bonnie looked into my eyes and smiled as sweetly as she could, just because all the paparazzi was watching us, cameras ready.

'Terr- Eros. I've loved you for so long, since even before we met on that fateful day in a Boston coffee shop. When you made that deal with my mom, I was estatic to be working with you again, and when I heard how well you could play I knew you must be the one for me. I've come to every show of yours since then, and look at you now! Your fanbase is amazing! You're amazing, Eros.'

Oh shit. No. No no no no no! I knew exactly where this was going. My thoughts were confirmed when Bonnie let go of my hands and got down on one knee. I managed a fake smile the whole way through because if the news went out that I didn't really love Bonnie, my carreer would plummet.

Bonnie looked into my eyes. It was supposed to be romantic, but the way she tried so hard made it almost creepy. She smiled and pulled out a little velvet box.

This couldn't be happening. This shouldn't be happening. Especially not today of all days.

'Eros, would you make me the happiest girl in the world, and marry me?' She spoke softly, opening the box and revealing a simple ring. For a second, all I could do was smile a very fake smile.

I had to say yes. I couldn't say no. If I said no, my carreer would end. I would never sing or play guitar again. NEVER! My whole entire life and all the dedication would be for nothing, so I did what I had to do.

'Bonnie. Yes, I'll marry you.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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